Showing posts with label dignity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dignity. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Pope's Vain Hope

My Google Alert for UN Interreligious Dialogue  triggered on  UPI NewsTrack TopNews which revealed that Pope  Benedict XVI issued an apostolic exhortation in which he called upon Islamic countries to reciprocate in religious freedom.

    The full text of  "Verbum Domini" is available at Zenit. It begins with an index, which indicates that it is rather long.  The section of interest to me comes just before the conclusion.

The Word Of God And Interreligious Dialogue

The value of interreligious dialogue [117]
Dialogue between Christians and Muslims [118]
Dialogue with other religions [119]
Dialogue and religious freedom [120]

In this dialogue the Synod asked for a deeper reflection on respect for life as a fundamental value, the inalienable rights of men and women, and their equal dignity. 

life as a fundamental value

    It is a fundamental value to us, but not to Islam.

  • 2:212. Beautified is the life of this world for those who disbelieve, ...
  • 3:185. ...The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing). 
  • 4:74. Let those (believers) who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter fight in the Cause of Allâh, and whoso fights in the Cause of Allâh, and is killed or gets victory, We shall bestow on him a great reward. 
  • 6:32. And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. ...
  • 9:38. ...Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter.

inalienable rights

Sorry, those are for Muslims only.

  • Sahih Bukhari 1.8.387 :
    ...Narrated Maimun ibn Siyah that he asked Anas bin Malik, "O Abu Hamza! What makes the life and property of a person sacred?" He replied, "Whoever says, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah', faces our Qibla during the prayers, prays like us and eats our slaughtered animal, then he is a Muslim, and has got the same rights and obligations as other Muslims have."

equal dignity

  •  Sahih Bukhari 1.8.387 :   ..."I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us...

Our blood and property are not sacred to Muslims and we have no rights; a great basis for dialogue indeed. Reliance of the Traveller, book o, Chapter 4 details the indemnity to be paid in the case of manslaughter. Few things reflect Islam's inequity better than this provision of Islamic law.

  • o4.9 ...

    The indemnity for the death or injury of a woman is one-half the indemnity paid for a man.

    The indemnity paid for a Jew or Christian is one-third of the indemnity paid for a Muslim. The indemnity paid of a Zoroastrian is one-fifteenth of that a Muslim....


All the same, dialogue would not prove fruitful unless it included authentic respect for each person and the ability of all freely to practise their religion. Hence the Synod, while encouraging cooperation between the followers of the different religions, also pointed out "the need for the freedom to profess one's religion, privately and publicly, and freedom of conscience to be effectively guaranteed to all believers":[381] indeed, "respect and dialogue require reciprocity in all spheres, especially in that which concerns basic freedoms, more particularly religious freedom. Such respect and dialogue foster peace and understanding between peoples".


authentic respect

Yeah, right; our blood & property ain't sacred to them, is there something more we need to know before we tell them where to go?

freedom of religion

  • 3:85. And whoever seeks a religion other than Islâm, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.

What does Islamic law say about religious liberty?

  • o11.5

    -6- are forbidden to openly display wine or pork, (A: to ring church bells or display crosses,) recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feastdays;

    -7- and are forbidden to build new churches.

  • o11.10

    The agreement is also violated (A: with respect to the offender alone) if the state has stipulated that any of the following things break it, and one of the subjects does so anyway, though if the state has not stipulated that these break the agreement, then they do not; namely, if one of the subject people:

    -1- commits adultery with a Muslim woman or marries her;

    -2- conceals spies of hostile forces;

    -3- leads a Muslim away from Islam;

    -4- kills a Muslim;

    -5- or mentions something impermissible about Allah, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), or Islam.

Islamic doctrine holds that only Islam is true, that all other belief systems are false or defiled by demonic interjection.  Where Allah's writ runs, Christians are persecuted; that is not going to change.  Islamic doctrine is fixed & immutable.  The relationship between Islam and Christianity is predator : prey.

    As far as Muslims are concerned, they alone have the truth, you have error & doubt.  There is only monologue, no dialogue; it is a one way street.  Religious freedom is for Muslims only. Dignity & rights are for Muslims only. 

    We have a desperate need for leaders, elected, academic & ecclesiastic who know the truth about Islam and have the courage to stand up and declare it.  The rest of us need to be sufficiently informed so that we can detect lies when we hear or read them. 

    For the comprehensive course, read Craig Winn's The Prophet of Doom. It is only 1000 pages long. yet it combines the most essential elements of the Qur'an, hadith, sira & tahrik.  For the short course, read Suhas Majumdar's  Jihad, The Islamic Doctrine of Permanent War.

    If you are willing to read primary sources, you can access the Noble Qur'an which includes bracketed expressions from tafsir and the translator's notes. I gave you a link to the page containing 2:190 because its footnote includes the most honest definition of jihad. You can use navigation links on that page to access any part of the Qur'an.  Sahih Bukhari and three other hadith collections are available at USC-MSA. I gave you a direct link to the first saying in the Book of Jihad. Navigation links are at the top of the page.

    If you prefer to take it all in at once, try Tafsir Ibn Kathir, which combines the Qur'an with relevant hadith and commentary. Each page has a link to its successor. I suggest beginning with Surah 8, continuing through Surah 9.

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Islam as Perpetual Predation

Gordon Osmond, writing at Open Salon, discusses "Islam as Religion"  His second paragraph raises an important issue and fails to settle it.

Even if this bridge is crossed, however, and even if Islam is characterized as a religion, it certainly does not follow that parts of that religion which comprise "law" should be given any degree of precedence over or protection from United States law and basic United States values.  The United States has earned the right to consider those laws and values sacrosanct.

    That bridge between Islam and the First Amendment's free exercise clause must not be crossed.  Islam is a way of life, not a religion. Everything Allah and Moe commanded is law.  Examine the table of contents  of Sahih Bukhari, considered to be the most authentic of the six canonical hadith collections.
  1. Revelation
  2. Belief
  3. Knowledge
  4. Ablutions (Wudu')
  5. Bathing (Ghusl)
  6. Menstrual Periods
  7. Rubbing hands and feet with dust (Tayammum)
  8. Prayers (Salat)
  9. Virtues of the Prayer Hall (Sutra of the Musalla)
  10. Times of the Prayers
  11. Call to Prayers (Adhaan)
  12. Characteristics of Prayer
  13. Friday Prayer
  14. Fear Prayer
  15. The Two Festivals (Eids)
  16. Witr Prayer
  17. Invoking Allah for Rain (Istisqaa)
  18. Eclipses
  19. Prostration During Recital of Qur'an
  20. Shortening the Prayers (At-Taqseer)
  21. Prayer at Night (Tahajjud)
  22. Actions while Praying
  23. Funerals (Al-Janaa'iz)
  24. Obligatory Charity Tax (Zakat)
  25. Obligatory Charity Tax After Ramadaan (Zakat ul Fitr)
  26. Pilgrimmage (Hajj)
  27. Minor Pilgrammage (Umra)
  28. Pilgrims Prevented from Completing the Pilgrimmage
  29. Penalty of Hunting while on Pilgrimmage
  30. Virtues of Madinah
  31. Fasting
  32. Praying at Night in Ramadaan (Taraweeh)
  33. Retiring to a Mosque for Remembrance of Allah (I'tikaf)
  34. Sales and Trade
  35. Sales in which a Price is paid for Goods to be Delivered Later (As-Salam)
  36. Hiring
  37. Transferance of a Debt from One Person to Another (Al-Hawaala)
  38. Representation, Authorization, Business by Proxy
  39. Agriculture
  40. Distribution of Water
  41. Loans, Payment of Loans, Freezing of Property, Bankruptcy
  42. Lost Things Picked up by Someone (Luqaata)
  43. Oppressions
  44. Partnership
  45. Mortgaging
  46. Manumission of Slaves
  47. Gifts
  48. Witnesses
  49. Peacemaking
  50. Conditions
  51. Wills and Testaments (Wasaayaa)
  52. Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad)
  53. One-fifth of Booty to the Cause of Allah (Khumus)
  54. Beginning of Creation
  55. Prophets
  56. Virtues and Merits of the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions
  57. Companions of the Prophet
  58. Merits of the Helpers in Madinah (Ansaar)
  59. Military Expeditions led by the Prophet (pbuh) (Al-Maghaazi)
  60. Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an (Tafseer of the Prophet (pbuh))
  61. Virtues of the Qur'an
  62. Wedlock, Marriage (Nikaah)
  63. Divorce
  64. Supporting the Family
  65. Food, Meals
  66. Sacrifice on Occasion of Birth (`Aqiqa)
  67. Hunting, Slaughtering
  68. Al-Adha Festival Sacrifice (Adaahi)
  69. Drinks
  70. Patients
  71. Medicine
  72. Dress
  73. Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab)
  74. Asking Permission
  75. Invocations
  76. To make the Heart Tender (Ar-Riqaq)
  77. Divine Will (Al-Qadar)
  78. Oaths and Vows
  79. Expiation for Unfulfilled Oaths
  80. Laws of Inheritance (Al-Faraa'id)
  81. Limits and Punishments set by Allah (Hudood)
  82. Punishment of Disbelievers at War with Allah and His Apostle
  83. Blood Money (Ad-Diyat)
  84. Dealing with Apostates
  85. Saying Something under Compulsion (Ikraah)
  86. Tricks
  87. Interpretation of Dreams
  88. Afflictions and the End of the World
  89. Judgments (Ahkaam)
  90. Wishes
  91. Accepting Information Given by a Truthful Person
  92. Holding Fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah
Three of those "books" are critical: 52, 53 & 59; they show us how Moe exemplified  obedience to the Jihad imperatives.

Reliance of the Traveller is the all purpose handbook of Islamic law. [1251 pgs, 30.4mb] Examine its table of contents.

A. Sacred Knowledge 1
B. The Validity of Following Qualified Scholarship 15
C. The Nature of Legal Rulings 27
D. Author's Introduction to 'Umdat ai-Salik 47
E. Purification 49
F. The Prayer 101
G. The Funeral Prayer 220
H. Zakat 244
I. Fasting 277
J. The Pilgrimage 297
K. Trade 371
L. Inheritance 460
M. Marriage 506
N. Divorce 554
O. Justice 578
P. Enormities 649
Q. Commanding the Right and Forbidding the Wrong 713
R. Holding One's Tongue 726
S. Delusions 777
T. A Pure Heart 796
U. The Gabriel Hadith 807
V. Belief in Allah and His Messenger 816
W. Notes and Appendices 826

"Book" O is the book of "justice", its table of contents spans several pages. Examine these samples, noting a few emphasized titles. .

Jihad 09.0
Meaning o fJihad 09.0(0:)
Scriptural Basis for Jihad 09.0(0:)
The Obligatory Character of Jihad 09.1
A communal obligation 09.1
When it is personally obligatory 09.2
Surrender when overrun 09.3
Who Is Obliged to Fight in Jihad 09.4
Those who are not permitted to fight 09.5
Caliph's Permission Required If He Exists 09.6
Non-Muslim Allies 09.7
The Objectives of Jihad 09.8
Regarding Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians 09.8
Regarding others 09.9
Rules of Warfare 09.10
Those Unlawful to Kill in Jihad 09.10
Non-Muslims under a Muslim's protection 09.11
Those who enter Islam before capture 09.12
Women and children captives 09.13
Adult male captives
Destruction of enemies' trees etc. 09.15
Truces 09.16
Permissible 09.16
Preserving the status quo is not a valid reason 09.16
The Spoils of Battle 010.0
Who Is Entitled to Spoils of Battle 010.1
Dividing Collective Spoils 010.2
Personal Booty 010.3
Dividing the First Fifth Taken (Khums) 010.4
Who is entitled to it 010.4
Non-Muslim Subjects of the Islamic State (Ahl al-Dhimma) 011.0
Who May Enter a Citizenship Agreement with Muslims 011.1
Idolators and Post-Islamic Sects Excluded 011.2
Conditions Imposed on Non-Muslims 011.3
The Non-Muslim Poll Tax (Jizya) 011.4
Collected with leniency 011.4
Not levied on women or children 011.4
Rules for Non-Muslim Subjects 011.5

    Islamic law encompasses all of human life, it is not limited to religious issues.  That is because Islam is a complete, all encompassing way of life, not a religion.  That way of life is predatory, and its pray are  those who disbelieve.  Book O defines jihad, describing its obligatory nature and objectives.  Did you notice the two classes of people  upon whom war is waged?  Did you notice the rules regarding spoilation  and the  division of spoils?   For those who can not connect the data points, I present links to a few relevant ayat and one relevant hadith.
Why does the "religion of peace" have laws fixing the allocation of spoils?  Why did Allah give Moe special dispensation to collect spoils?   For those who can not connect the data points, I present another saying.

Sunan Abu Dawud Book 23, Number 3455:
Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:
I heard the Apostle of Allah, (peace_be_upon_him) say: When you enter into the inah transaction, hold the tails of oxen, are pleased with agriculture, and give up conducting jihad (struggle in the way of Allah). Allah will make disgrace prevail over you, and will not withdraw it until you return to your original religion.

    Two alternative ways of life are presented, agriculture and jihad. What is the consequence of rejecting jihad in favor of agriculture?  What is their "original religion"?

    Osmond's concluding paragraph brings up an extremely important issue; I added emphasis to the critical clause.

Religion is basically a matter of believing in spooky people and things, and there's probably nothing spookier than Islamic spooks.  But as long as these beliefs do not threaten the concepts of human dignity and freedom, there's probably no harm done in considering Islam, as a general matter, a religion.  But strings attached there certainly are. 

    Does Islam threaten human dignity and freedom?  Two ayat contain jihad imperatives:
Those commands to wage war are codified in Reliance of the Traveller, Book O9.8-9.   I will show you enough to  confirm what I have already stated and arouse your curiosity. Click the links for full documentation.

The caliph (o25) makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians (N: provided he has first invited them to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya, def: o11.4)

The caliph fights all other peoples until they become Muslim (O: because they are not a people with a Book, nor honored as such, and are not permitted to settle with paying the poll tax (jizya) )

Does waging war  against us impair our dignity and freedom?  Consider  what Moe said about the matter,  paying special attention to the clauses I emphasized.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 8, Number 387:
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle said, "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah." Narrated Maimun ibn Siyah that he asked Anas bin Malik, "O Abu Hamza! What makes the life and property of a person sacred?" He replied, "Whoever says, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah', faces our Qibla during the prayers, prays like us and eats our slaughtered animal, then he is a Muslim, and has got the same rights and obligations as other Muslims have."

Are our blood and property sacred to Muslims?  How do we obtain human rights?    If you can accurately answer those two questions, you will understand how Islam conflicts with our dignity  & rights.   It will then be clear to you exactly why Islam can not fit under the umbrella of  the free exercise clause.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Obamination: Iftar Treason

President Obama celebrated sunset with an Iftar Tuesday, August 1, 2009. Excerpts from his remarks follow, with my comments interspersed.
Islam, as we know, is part of America.
Islam can not be a part of America. Islam is, by its own intrinsic nature, permanently alienated. In the Islamic world view, only Allah has the right to rule. Any government that rules by man made law instead of Shari'ah is unjust and must be removed by Jihad, if necessary. Moe prophesied that Jesus Christ will rule by the Qur'an when he returns.

Islam is not compatible with democracy. Allah said "It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allâh and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision." [33:36] Allah and his Messenger (or Caliph ) make all the decisions; Joe Camel has no choice in the matter. Islam is theocratic autocracy, the polar opposite of democracy.

One of those values is the freedom to practice your religion -- a right that is enshrined in the First Amendment of the Constitution. Nashala Hearn, who joins us from Muskogee, Oklahoma, took a stand for that right at an early age. When her school district told her that she couldn't wear the hijab, she protested that it was a part of her religion. The Department of Justice stood behind her, and she won her right to practice her faith.
The practice of Islam entails more than hijab, salat, zakat, hajj & iman. Islam is not complete without Jihad, which is mandatory, not an optional extra. Jihad is defined in Islamic law as making war on non-Muslims. [Reliance of the Traveller, O9.0.] Jihad is a communal obligation, binding upon Muslims in every year. [O9.1]

The annual obligation to perform Jihad is confirmed by fiqh. Observe what Al-Shafi-i said about it. "The least that the imam must do is that he allow no year to pass without having organised a military expedition by himself, or by his raiding parties, according to the Muslims' interest, so that the jihad will only be stopped in a year for a (reasonable) excuse."

If Muslims have a right to practice their religion, then they have a right to kill you, rape your widow, enslave your orphans and seize your property. If there is a right to practice Islam, we have no rights.

They all contain truths. Among those truths are the pursuit of peace and the dignity of all human beings. That must always form the basis upon which we find common ground.
Islam divides the world into Dar al-Islam, where Allah's writ runs and Dar al-Harb, where Allah's writ does not run. Peace is when Dar al-Harb (the house of war) is conquered and engulfed by Dar al-Islam. I suggest that you read O9.8 & O9.9 of Reliance of the Traveller. So much for the pursuit of peace.

Islam recognizes the dignity of Muslims, not all human beings. Pagans & Atheists are to be converted, enslaved or killed, people with scriptural religions are to be subjugated and extorted, surviving as sub-humans living at sufferance. One of Islam's codified oral traditions has Moe declaring that our blood and property are not sacred to Muslims until we become Muslims. [Sahih Bukhari 1.8.387.]

Together, we have a responsibility to foster engagement grounded in mutual interest and mutual respect.
There is no mutual interest between prey and predator. Respect is earned, Islam has not earned it. Respect is reciprocal, Islam gives none, see the citation immediately above: our blood and property are not sacred to Muslims.

So tonight, we celebrate a great religion, and its commitment to justice and progress.
What is Islam's greatness? Judaism gave us monotheism. Christianity gave us hope of salvation. Islam gives us predestination & predation. Islam's 'greatness', which it seeks to restore, is the Caliphate which enslaved nearly half the world at its peak.

What commitment to justice and progress? Shari'ah prescribes hudud, including corporal punishment. Proving rape requires four male witnesses who observed penetration. Rape victims are punished. The testimony of two women is required to equal that of one man.

Ten days prior to the eighth anniversary of the Accursed Abomination, our recently elected President celebrated the month in which the damnable book was "revealed"; the book whose sanctification of Jihad motivated the nineteen murderers of three thousand of our fellows. He referred to the war cult which sponsored the attack a "great religion", praising its "commitment to peace" & justice.

Allahu skata!! Camel dung in the desert. Islam: predatory war cult. Moe: profiteering pirate, pretender to prophecy, pederast, lecher & murderer. Obama: traitor. You fools who elected him should burn your voter registration cards and hang your heads in shame. No words can express my disgust.

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Obamination: Ramadan Treason

President Obama's Ramadan message includes the usual boiler plate treason. I have selected some exemplary dissembling for refutation.
  • "These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common"
The implication is both overly broad and false. Islam does not share any principles with Western Civilization. Next time, list them and submit proof that Muslims share them. I won't hold my breath while I wait for that list and evidence.
  • lslam's role in advancing justice, progress,. tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings
Nothing could be further from the truth. Reliance of the Traveller, Book O, Chapter 9, Paragraphs 8 &9 charge the Caliph with the duty of attacking Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians & Pagans at least once in every year. Those laws are based on Surahs At-Taubah & Al-Anfal of the Qur'an. Exactly how does that advance justice, tolerance & dignity?

Chapter 11, Paragraph 5, says of dhimmis:
  • 2- are distinguished from Muslims in dress, wearing a wide cloth belt (zunnar);
  • 3- are not greeted with "as-Salamu 'alaykum";

  • -4- must keep to the side of the street;

  • -5- may not build higher than or as high as the Muslims' buildings, though if they acquire a tall house, it is not razed;

  • -6- are forbidden to openly display wine or pork, (A: to ring church bells or display crosses,) recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feastdays;
  • -7- and are forbidden to build new churches.

Exactly how do those laws advance justice, tolerance & dignity?

  • "For instance, fasting is a concept shared by many faiths - including my own Christian faith - as a
    way to bring; people closer to God, and to those among us who cannot take their next meal for
    granted. And the support that Muslims provide to others
    recalls our responsibility to advance
    opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere. For all of us must remember that the world we
    want to build - and the changes that we Want to make - must begin in our own hearts, and our
    own communities."
Note the clause which I emphasized: Islamic law forbids giving Zakat to Kufar. Refer to Reliance of the Traveller H8.24.
  • It is not permissible to give zakat to a non-Muslim, or to someone whom one is obliged to support (def: m12.1), such as a wife or family member.
President Obama conflates charity & universal benevolence with Socialism and at the same time, mixing domestic policy with foreign.
  • "Beyond America' borders. we are also committed to keeping our responsibility to build a world
    that is more peaceful and secure. That is why we are responsibly ending the war in Iraq."
The invasion of Iraq could only increase peace & security by rendering Iraq unIslamic. Iraq & Afghanistan will be threats to peace & security so long as their people and governments are Islamic. By leaving Iraq with Islam still in place, we decrease peace and security below the level pertaining before the invasion.
  • 'That is why we are isolating violent extremists while empowering the people in places like Afghanistan
    and Pakistan."
"Violent extremists" is a shibboleth designed to draw our attention away from the fatal fact of intrinsic violence in Islam.. Islamic Jihad, terrorism & genocide result from intrinsic scriptural doctrines & traditional example, not from 'extremists'. The difference between 'extremists' and 'the people' is zeal. Violence is a function of intensity of belief & zealotry. We can't isolate them because we can't identify them. Besides, zealotry can increase spontaneously or as a result of aggressive sermons at the local Mosque.
  • "That is why we are unyielding in our support for a two-state solution that
    recognizes the rights of Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace and security."
Israelis are Palestinians. Palestinians are Jews . The so called Palestinians President Obama refers to are undifferentiated Arabs seeking to reconquer Israel demographically and militarily. State or no state, so long as there are Muslims within rocket range of Israel, Israel will not obtain peace or security no matter what she does. Israel's existence is an offense to Muslims because her land was conquered by Caliph Umar in 638. Allah promised Muslims victory and dominance over the region. By reclaiming her land, Israel proves Allah to be an impotent idol. Muslims can't tolerate that! Muslims will continue to attack Israel until they are successfully in reconquest or Israel ushers them into hell. There is nothing we can do about it.
  • " And that is why America will always stand for the universal rights of all people to speak their mind, practice their
    , contribute fully to society and have confidence in the rule of law."
I emphasized the problematic phrase in that sentence. Islam requires Jihad, genocide & terrorism. It is not possible to fully practice Islam without engaging in them until their world conquest is completed. If they have a right to practice Islam, then we have no right to live; no human dignity.
  • All of these efforts are a part of America' commitment to engage Muslims and Muslim-majority
    nations on the basis of mutual interest and mutual respect.
Idiocy & treason are in the emphasized phrase. Islam has no respect for Kufar. To Muslims, we are rebels against Allah, and they are duty bound to defeat us and gather us together into Hell, the worst of living creatures. We have no mutual interest with Muslims! Their interest is world conquest, ours is peace, security and prosperity. We have nothing in common.
  • "And at this time of renewal, I want to reiterate my commitment to a new beginning between America and Muslims around the world,"
How about a new beginning between lambs and lions? When will lions quit eating lambs? That is when Islam will quit Jihad. Two classes of people say otherwise: damned fools and traitors. Islam is a predatory institution; we need to call it what it is. We need to call those who deny that fatal fact what they are. Intellectual honesty and moral clarity require us to do that.
  • From around the world, we have received an outpouring of feedback about how America can be a partner on behalf of peoples' aspirations.
Islam is about enrichment and empowerment through the profession of piracy. Islam seeks total world domination by conquest. That is their only aspiration. Any occidental who seeks to facilitate Islamic world conquest is a traitor! Why Jihad? Because that is how Moe derived his income! Read 8:1, 8:41 & 8:67 and get a clue. The fatal fact of mercenary motivation is confirmed by hadith: When Allah made the Prophet wealthy through conquests, while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand .

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Obamination: Treachery In Cairo #2

REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON A NEW BEGINNING Cairo University Cairo, Egypt. [Block quote format, Ariel font, emphasis added.]
Refutation by a disgusted citizen interspersed in Times New Roman.

So long as our relationship is defined by our differences, we will empower those who sow hatred rather than peace, those who promote conflict rather than the cooperation that can help all of our people achieve justice and prosperity. And this cycle of suspicion and discord must end.

our relationship

It is a predator:prey relationship. Islam is the predator.

sow hatred

The Qur'an inculcates hatred, it is preached in every Mosque and memorized in every Madrassa. Allah describes us as those who "went astray" and "earned his wrath". Allah describes us as "The worst of (moving) living creatures". Allah demonizes us: "Verily, there are many of the (Jewish) rabbis and the (Christian) monks who devour the wealth of mankind in falsehood, and hinder (them) from the Way of Allâh (i.e. Allâh's Religion of Islâmic Monotheism). And those who hoard up gold and silver [Al-Kanz: the money, the Zakât of which has not been paid], and spend it not in the Way of Allâh, -announce unto them a painful torment." Moe curses us: "Allâh's Curse be on them, how they are deluded away from the truth!"


To Islam, peace is the condition after they conquer the entire world. Dar ul-Islam is where Alllah's writ runs; Dar ul-Harb is where it does not.


Read Reliance of the Traveller, Book O to see how justice is achieved in Islam. Justice means Allah's writ ruling the entire world.


In Islam, prosperity follows conquest: the spoils of war and annual Jizya flowing from conquered people. Moe was made wealthy by conquests. The real prosperity is promised for the time when the Mahdi comes and conquers the entire world see Sahih Muslim 41.6964.

I've come here to Cairo to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, one based on mutual interest and mutual respect, and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles -- principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.

mutual interest

We have no mutual interest with Islam. Our interest is to live in peace, liberty and prosperity. Islam's interest is to conquer, subjugate and dominate the entire world, taking all its treasure.

mutual respect

Islam demands respect, it does not give any! Our role is to be "defeated and gathered together to Hell".

America and Islam are not exclusive

They want to replace the Constitution with the Qur'an! They demand Shari'ah, to the exclusion of man made laws. If that ain't exclusive, what is?

common principles

There are none.


To Islam, it means "just us" none but Muslims left alive in the world. To us it means giving to every man his just due.


To Islam it means world conquest. To us it means an improved standard of living.


Two kinds of men ascribe tolerance to Islam: ignorant damned fools and liars. Islam is intolerant!
  • 3:85. And whoever seeks a religion other than Islâm, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.


Only an ignorant damned fool or conceited liar asserts that Islam recognizes and values human dignity. Moe said: "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah." Note the emphasized clause; it has an obvious corollary: our blood & property are not sacred to Muslims until we join them. Moe declared open season on us; so much for dignity.

I do so recognizing that change cannot happen overnight. I know there's been a lot of publicity about this speech, but no single speech can eradicate years of mistrust, nor can I answer in the time that I have this afternoon all the complex questions that brought us to this point. But I am convinced that in order to move forward, we must say openly to each other the things we hold in our hearts and that too often are said only behind closed doors. There must be a sustained effort to listen to each other; to learn from each other; to respect one another; and to seek common ground. As the Holy Koran tells us, "Be conscious of God and speak always the truth." (Applause.) That is what I will try to do today -- to speak the truth as best I can, humbled by the task before us, and firm in my belief that the interests we share as human beings are far more powerful than the forces that drive us apart.

speak always the truth

President Barack Hussain Obama holds the truth in such high regard that he keeps it, like the good china, in a locked cabinet; he almost never uses it. He only shares interests with Muslims because he is a Muslim.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Instruments of Love and Harmony #4

From comes Final Statement of Catholic-Muslim Forum "Called to Be Instruments of Love and Harmony"
For background information about the meetings, see this Reuters article of 11/06/08.

The statement includes an enumerated list of fifteen points which present a target rich environment In this installment, I'll take on the fourth point of agreement.[Links & emphasis added.]
We affirm that God's creation of humanity has two great aspects: the male and the female human person, and we commit ourselves jointly to ensuring that human dignity and respect are extended on an equal basis to both men and women.
Taken at face value, the fourth point means that the Muslims participating in the meeting accept the concept of gender equality. By so doing, they would sever themselves from Allah and become apostates.

Allah said "Your wives are a tilth for you". World Reference defines tilth as: "cultivated land, farmland, plowland, ploughland, tilled land,". Ibn Kathir affirms the fact that 2:223 is a proscription of anal intercourse. According to Ibn Abbas, "the vulvas of your wives are plantations for your offspring". It is clear that Islam values women for reproductive capacity. Is the land a farmer tills equal to him? Does it share his dignity? Unless he is a slave, sharecropper or renter, it is his property.

An-Nisa' 34 is generally cited as divine permission for wife beating but I want to point out its masculine supremacism.
  • 4:34. Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah and to their husbands), and guard in the husband's absence what Allah orders them to guard (e.g. their chastity, their husband's property, etc.). As to those women on whose part you see ill­conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly, if it is useful), but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance). Surely, Allah is Ever Most High, Most Great.
There can be no doubt that the Muslima's role is subordination & submission. In the third installment of this series, I pointed out the fact that Muslimas receive only half an inheritance and their testimony is weighted as half that of a male's.
Moe taught that women are deficient.
  • The women asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion." [Bukhari 1.6.301]
Either the Muslim participants in the forum are contradicting Allah and his Messenger or their affirmation of equality is insincere. Which is it?

Click this link for A Common Word between Us and You, which precipitated the recent meetings. [Note the Events section, a recent addition to the page]. A Common Word's home page includes a summary, the missive, media reports, blog posts and various responses from Christian & Jewish leaders. Click this link: Islamic Extortion Letter for my original dissection of the missive or this link: Go Burn With Muhammad, a blog devoted to dissecting the missive and reactions to it.

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Friday, December 28, 2007

Mad Man In A Jihad: Merry Christmas, Kuffar

The President of Iran sent Christmas greetings to Pope Benedict and published the same on his blog. The English text appearing on his blog is essentially unreadable gibberish, probably a poor machine translation. The text below was obtained by running that text through Babel's translator. Links to the text:
Amadinejad's message is quoted below, followed by my dissection of obvious problematic parts.

In the Name of Almighty God , the Most Merciful , the Most Compassionate

Merry Christmas to everyone !

My sincere congratulations to everyone for the Glorious and Auspicious Birthday of Divine Prophet - confirmed and authenticated by Gabriel , the angel of Divine revelation - the Obedient Of Almighty God ,

Jesus Christ , the Messiah ( peace upon Him )

He was messenger of peace , devotion and love based upon monotheism and justice . He was raised in His Mother's hand Virgin Mary ( peace upon her ) that Almighty God stood her as impeccable and exalted her above the Women of the world . The Mother and the Son that in the Divine Sight are reputable and prestigious . And they are positioned by God The All Wise - at sublime level .

There 's no doubt , after God the Peerless Creator , the Beneficent , the Merciful created the human beings , did not forsake them on their own . By sending and assigning the emissaries prophets and messengers - along with the righteous individuals , and on top of that , by providing and utilizing the mankind With the gifts of intellect and human nature , they are guided in the right path in order to achieve the complete perfection . The human generations one after another were not created to live in anguish , intimidation , skirmish , aggression , oppression , and misery . And without enjoying amity and fraternity atmosphere - replete of love and justice depart this life and leave it for the next generations .

The philosophy of human creation is : reaching the pinnacle of bliss , construction of immaculate life , efflorescence of all potentialities and talents , implementation of justice and Devotion across the world amongst all human beings . This is one of the definite Divine promises that when the world is filled with oppression and enmity by the tyrants and oppressors , it will become full of Justice by the reappearance of the promised Savior . All the Divine Prophets clearly anounced this fact .

Unfortunately during the history , some egoistic and tyrant individuals existed that stood against the convocations and the sermons of the Divine Prophets . And these tyrants and oppressors were the causation of all the adversities and the originator of all wars and animosities .

Today 's status quo of the world is obvious of everyone . In Palestine , Iraq , Afghanistan , Africa , and South America and even in Europe and North America , due to the interests of despotic dominant rulers ' Parties and clans and also for up their pockets , the dignity , benevolence , peace and tranquility of the human beings been taken to abattoir and Slaughtered . And then, lie and deception are positioned for honesty and truth .

Many peoples are exasperated from the present situation of the world . And they come to the conclusion that the existed procedure , method and technique can not provide tranquilly and peace to the mankind .

Frankly , if Jesus Christ the Messiah ( peace upon Him ) was present today , how would He react ? And whom would He stand with and against ?

If Jesus Christ ( peace upon Him ) was present today , he would order encounter against those who would propagate corruption , obscenity and perversion , And try to nullify and exterminate the merits and the rights of women and diminish their position position that virgin Mary ( peace upon Her ) is their role model and sample .

If Jesus Christ ( peace upon Him ) was present today , He would order contention against those who try to discharge the world from morality , Spirituality , intellectuality , justice , and peace . And accordingly , the true followers of the Divine Prophets would follow their steps in regard to strengthening the morality , intellectuality , spirituality , peace and justice in The world .

Although last year was accompanied with many injustices , aggressions , and many violation of rights , but the calls and outcries of begging and imploring from God and Demanding justice were louder . Day by day , nations would realize the power of faith and godliness . They would go for peace and justice more than before and give positive answer to the Divine prophets ' sermons and would tell to their Creator Almighty God ' Here am I ! '� Praise the Lord !

The same way that Jesus Christ ( peace upon Him ) invited the people to goodness and perfection , and also avoid them from evil , atrocity and Aggression , His true followers the same . With the belief in God and the Hereafter , they are frontiers in righteousness .

Certainly , the implementation of the Divine Prophets ' commands and directions would reform and improve our lives in this world and would safeguard afterlife conjunctionally .

We believe that the beloved Jesus Christ the Messiah ( peace upon Him and His Mother ) would also reappear for the fulfillment of the promises of All the Divine prophets . And together the invited of the nations would bring all the beauties and goodness for humanity of the world . And we are getting close to that date .

While commemorating the birthday of the Prophet of amity , love and devotion Jesus Christ , the Messiah ( peace upon Him and His beloved Mother ) And congratulating the new year , I beg God the Merciful , the All-Wise year of bliss , and health and year replete Of , abundance , success , and affection for everyone , specially the Christian of Iran and the world .

© 2007 - Ahmadinejad Official Blog . All rights reserved

From Islam Tomorrow, an American Muslim organization:
"Congratulating the kuffar with Christmas or other religious holidays is unanimously prohibited. Ibnul-Qayyim reported this in his book, 'Ahkamu Ahlith-Thummah'.
  • Merry Christmas to everyone !
According to the fatwa above cited, that's kufr! No, I ain't joking, Moe gave a direct order!
Sahih Muslim Book 026, Number 5389:

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you and when you meet any one of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it.

  • This is one of the definite Divine promises that when the world is filled with oppression and enmity by the tyrants and oppressors , it will become full of Justice by the reappearance of the promised Savior . All the Divine Prophets clearly anounced this fact .
Lets take a look at Moe's prophecy concerning Christ's second coming.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 55, Number 657:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a Just Ruler); he will break the Cross and kill the pigs and there will be no Jizya (i.e. taxation taken from non Muslims). Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it, and a single prostration to Allah (in prayer) will be better than the whole world and whatever is in it." Abu Huraira added "If you wish, you can recite (this verse of the Holy Book): -- 'And there is none Of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him (i.e Jesus as an Apostle of Allah and a human being) Before his death. And on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness Against them." (4.159) (See Fateh Al Bari, Page 302 Vol 7)

Abu Dawud Book 37, Number 4310:
Narrated AbuHurayrah:

The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: There is no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus (peace_be_upon_him). He will descent (to the earth). When you see him, recognise him: a man of medium height, reddish fair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops were falling down from his head though it will not be wet. He will fight the people for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish jizyah. Allah will perish all religions except Islam. He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him.

Justice is Islam, established by fighting, which results in death & dispossession of all who oppose it. And Jesus Christ is to return to participate in it, yeah, right.

  • And these tyrants and oppressors were the causation of all the adversities and the originator of all wars and animosities .
For example:
  1. 8:39
  2. 8:60
  3. 8:65
  4. 9:29
Lets take a closer look at the cause of wars:
The Reliance of the Traveller. Version 1.06 - By Ahmad Ibn Naqib Al-Misri
BOOK O: JUSTICE >> Chapter O-9.0: Jihad

O-9.8: The Objectives of Jihad
The caliph (o-25) makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians (N: provided he has first invited them to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya, def: o-11.4) -which is the significance of their paying it, not the money itself-while remaining in their ancestral religions) (O: and the war continues) until they become Muslim or else pay the non-Muslim poll tax (O: in accordance with the word of Allah Most High,
"Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day and who forbid not what Allah and His messenger have forbidden-who do not practice the religion of truth, being of those who have been given the Book-until they pay the poll tax out of hand and are humbled" (Koran 9.29),
the time and place for which is before the final descent of Jesus (upon whom be peace). After his final coming, nothing but Islam will be accepted from them, for taking the poll tax is only effective until Jesus' descent (upon him and our Prophet be peace), which is the divinely revealed law of Muhammad. The coming of Jesus does not entail a separate divinely revealed law, for he will rule by the law of Muhammad. As for the Prophet's saying (Allah bless him and give him peace),
"I am the last, there will be no prophet after me,"
this does not contradict the final coming of Jesus (upon whom be peace), since he will not rule according to the Evangel, but as a follower of our Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) ).

The Reliance of the Traveller. Version 1.06 - By Ahmad Ibn Naqib Al-Misri
BOOK O: JUSTICE >> Chapter O-9.0: Jihad

The caliph fights all other peoples until they become Muslim (O: because they are not a people with a Book, nor honored as such, and are not permitted to settle with paying the poll tax (jizya) ) (n: though according to the Hanafi school, peoples of all other religions, even idol worshippers, are permitted to live under the protection of the Islamic state if they either become Muslim or agree to pay the poll tax, the sole exceptions to which are apostates from Islam and idol worshippers who are Arabs, neither of whom has any choice but becoming Muslim (al-Hidaya sharh Bidaya al-mubtadi' (y-21), 6.48-49) ).

  • Today 's status quo of the world is obvious of everyone . In Palestine , Iraq , Afghanistan , Africa , and South America and even in Europe and North America , due to the interests of despotic dominant rulers ' Parties and clans and also for up their pockets , the dignity , benevolence , peace and tranquility of the human beings been taken to abattoir and Slaughtered . And then, lie and deception are positioned for honesty and truth .
Ahmadinejad is practicing projection: accusing us of what Islam is doing including the occupation & genocidal aggression against Israel and the genocidal aggression by suicide bombers in Iraq.

  • Many peoples are exasperated from the present situation of the world . And they come to the conclusion that the existed procedure , method and technique can not provide tranquilly and peace to the mankind .
Blessed right we are pissed off! And negotiations, good will gestures, U.N. sanctions, appeasement, limited war & containment can not end Islam's genocidal campaign of imperial conquest. There will be peace when there is no more Islam, not before!

  • If Jesus Christ ( peace upon Him ) was present today , he would order encounter against those who would propagate corruption , obscenity and perversion , And try to nullify and exterminate the merits and the rights of women and diminish their position position that virgin Mary ( peace upon Her ) is their role model and sample .
Exactly who would Christ lead war against? Who nullifies the merits and rights of women?
2:223. Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth (have sexual relations with your wives in any manner as long as it is in the vagina and not in the anus), when or how you will, and send (good deeds, or ask Allâh to bestow upon you pious offspring) before you for your ownselves. And fear Allâh, and know that you are to meet Him (in the Hereafter), and give good tidings to the believers (O Muhammad ).
4:11. Allâh commands you as regards your children's (inheritance); to the male, a portion equal to that of two females; if (there are) only daughters, two or more, their share is two thirds of the inheritance; if only one, her share is half. [...]
2:282[...]And get two witnesses out of your own men. And if there are not two men (available), then a man and two women, such as you agree for witnesses, so that if one of them (two women) errs, the other can remind her. [...]

Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 6, Number 301:

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:

Once Allah's Apostle went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) o 'Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, "O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)." They asked, "Why is it so, O Allah's Apostle ?" He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you." The women asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion."

  • If Jesus Christ ( peace upon Him ) was present today , He would order contention against those who try to discharge the world from morality , Spirituality , intellectuality , justice , and peace . And accordingly , the true followers of the Divine Prophets would follow their steps in regard to strengthening the morality , intellectuality , spirituality , peace and justice in The world .
Who is doing that? Who is burning books; won't allow the Holy scriptures to enter their domain? Who sentences a gang rape victim to 200 lashes? Who demands the death of anyone who converts to Christianity? Who demands total world conquest? Who is fomenting war & terror in Asia, Africa & Europe?

  • The same way that Jesus Christ ( peace upon Him ) invited the people to goodness and perfection , and also avoid them from evil , atrocity and Aggression , His true followers the same . With the belief in God and the Hereafter , they are frontiers in righteousness .
And what did Allah command? War, terror & genocide!!!

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The Veterans Hospital in Tucson needs our help!!! They have contacted Soldiers' Angels with a list of needs for their patients. Soldiers Angels needs your help in making some of these come true.

Below you will find just a small portion of needs that are immediate. You can also find this list posted on the Soldiers Angels Forum at you will be able to find lots of great information there for our deployed and vets.

If you are sending a monetary donation please follow the link and indicate the State you are in.

Donate here;

Dry Skin Cream
Slipper Socks-No skid
Catheter bag covers
Shaving Cream
Hand Lotion
Baby Shampoo
Hand Soap
Roll on/Spray Deodorant
Denture Cleaner
Underwear (men and women (all sizes)
Denture Grip
Socks (white)
Talcum Powder
Nail Clippers
Ladies hand and body lotion
Disposable Razors
Shaving Cream/small
Knitted Caps
Travel Alarm Clocks
Ball Caps
Tote Bags
Shower Shoes
Pocket Size Needle and Thread Kit
Heart pillows for cardiac patients
Lap Robes (3x5 or 5x7)

30 cup coffee makers
Coffee supplies (reg. & decaf)
Music CDs
Writing Paper and Envelopes
Prepaid Phone Cards for patients’

Puzzle books
Crossword Puzzles
Video tapes & DVDs (movies, educational)
DVD Player

Sports equipment (basketball, tennis rackets &
Tickets for entertainment & sporting events
Balls, badminton set, Frisbees, football)

If you can send just one item that would be great!!! If each person sends one thing we will make a difference! They are also needing those who can volunteer time at the hospital just contact the Voluntary Services Dept. For information.

Mail Items to:

Department of Veterans Affairs Southern Arizona VA Health Care System – Voluntary Services 9-135, 3601 S. Sixth Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85723


Surrender is NOT An Option Banner

Surrender is NOT An Option Banner

My Favorite Speeches and Other Items of Interest

  • George Bush's March 28, 2007 Discusses Economy, War on Terror During Remarks to the National Cattlemen's Beef Association;
  • Mitch McConnell's March 15, 2007 Funding For Troops, Not Timelines for Retreat;
  • Ronald Reagan's June 12, 1987 Tear Down This Wall Speech;
  • Vice President Cheney's March 12, 2007 Remarks at the AIPAC 2007 Policy Conference;

Winston Churchill Quotes

  • A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.
  • Although personally I am quite content with existing explosives, I feel we must not stand in the path of improvement.
  • Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed.
  • Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
  • Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter.
  • Danger - if you meet it promptly and without flinching - you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!
  • I always seem to get inspiration and renewed vitality by contact with this great novel land of yours which sticks up out of the Atlantic.
  • I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else.
  • I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.
  • I like a man who grins when he fights.
  • I was only the servant of my country and had I, at any moment, failed to express her unflinching resolve to fight and conquer, I should at once have been rightly cast aside.
  • If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time-a tremendous whack.
  • In war as in life, it is often necessary when some cherished scheme has failed, to take up the best alternative open, and if so, it is folly not to work for it with all your might.
  • It is no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.
  • Moral of the Work. In war: resolution. In defeat: defiance. In victory: magnanimity. In peace: goodwill.
  • Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.
  • Never, never, never give up.
  • No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism.
  • One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!
  • Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
  • Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
  • The first quality that is needed is audacity.
  • The nose of the bulldog has been slanted backwards so that he can breathe without letting go.
  • The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.
  • There is no such thing as public opinion. There is only published opinion.
  • These are not dark days: these are great days - the greatest days our country has ever lived.
  • They are decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent.
  • True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information.
  • Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.
  • War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can.
  • War is mainly a catalogue of blunders.
  • We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
  • We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.
  • When the eagles are silent the parrots begin to jabber.
  • When you are winning a war almost everything that happens can be claimed to be right and wise.
  • You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

Ronald Reagan Quotes

  • "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant: It's just that they know so much that isn't so."
  • Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have.
  • All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk.
  • Approximately 80% of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vegetation, so let's not go overboard in setting and enforcing tough emission standards from man-made sources
  • Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
  • Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.
  • Double, no triple, our troubles and we'd still be better off than any other people on earth. It is time that we recognized that ours was, in truth, a noble cause.
  • Facts are stupid things.
  • Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
  • Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged.
  • Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.
  • Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them.
  • History teaches that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.
  • How can a president not be an actor?
  • How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.
  • I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the US Congress.
  • I will stand on, and continue to use, the figures I have used, because I believe they are correct. Now, I'm not going to deny that you don't now and then slip up on something; no one bats a thousand.
  • In Israel, free men and women are every day demonstrating the power of courage and faith. Back in 1948 when Israel was founded, pundits claimed the new country could never survive. Today, no one questions that. Israel is a land of stability and democracy in a region of tryanny and unrest.
  • Let us ask ourselves; "What kind of people do we think we are?".
  • Man is not free unless government is limited.
  • My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win out.
  • No mother would ever willingly sacrifice her sons for territorial gain, for economic advantage, for ideology.
  • Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.
  • Our forbearance should never be misunderstood. Our reluctance for conflict should not be misjudged as a failure of will. When action is required to preserve our national security, we will act.
  • Protecting the rights of even the least individual among us is basically the only excuse the government has for even existing.
  • Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.
  • The ultimate determinant in the struggle now going on for the world will not be bombs and rockets but a test of wills and ideas - a trial of spiritual resolve: the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish and the ideals to which we are dedicated.
  • The United Sates has much to offer the third world war.
  • There are no easy answers' but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.
  • To paraphrase Winston Churchill, I did not take the oath I have just taken with the intention of presiding over the dissolution of the world's strongest economy.
  • Today we did what we had to do. They counted on America to be passive. They counted wrong.
  • We are never defeated unless we give up on God.
  • We have the duty to protect the life of an unborn child.
  • We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.
  • We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we will always be free.
  • Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.
  • You know, if I listened to Michael Dukakis long enough, I would be convinced we're in an economic downturn and people are homeless and going without food and medical attention and that we've got to do something about the unemployed.

Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes

  • No one can make you feel inferior without your consent

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