Ban Islam?
Yahoo! Answers - Is it time to ban Islam?
Member since: 01 January 2008; Total points: 9 (Level 1). Add to My Contacts · Block User ... Is it time to ban Islam? 3 hours ago; - 3 days left to answer.
The Answer:
"This question has been deleted"
The content Yahoo does not want you to see: Google's cache.There were 19 answers before the censor struck. Most of them expose a paucity of knowledge and logic. Note the common assumption, the implied imbecilic postulate: 'Islam is a religion.'.
#s 1,3,4,6, 12 & 15 advocate banning all religion.
#2 wants to know how we'd do it.
- Amend the Constitution to exclude Islam from the umbrella of first amendment protection by declaring that it is not a valid religion, on the grounds of:
- mercenary mission
- malevolent doctrines
- malicious actions flowing from those doctrines
- Criminalize the operation of Mosques, Masjids & Madrassas; the propagation and practice of Islam.
- Revoke the citizenship of Muslims on these grounds:
- Allah's slaves owe their alliegence to Allah, having submitted their free will
- Allah's slaves are obligated to make war upon us.
- Allah's slaves are forbidden to be equal or subordinate to Kuffar, and must be in a superior position.
- Their oaths of allegiance are null and void.
- Declaration & prosecution of war against the United States.
- Deport Allah's slaves.
- Close our borders to Allah's slaves.
- Urge other nominally Christian nations to follow suit.
- Demand United Nations sanctions against Islam on grounds of incomparability with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
#7 Limits banning to "Only those who believe convert or die, is an OK ethos.", not knowing that doctrine is intrinsic to Islam.
#8 Sarcastically invokes extreme misanthropy: "why don't we ban breathing as well while we're at it"
#9 Says: "Provocative question". Is there something wrong with asking provocative questions?
#10 Proposes banning faith based schools and teaching religion therein.
#11 Says: "Notsomuch Islam.. just the terrorists who use Islam to justify their horrendous deeds.
Of course there are plenty of people who use plenty of other religions to justify their stances against humanity. If only it would stop." Evidently she does not know that Islam was created for the purpose of rationalizing rapine and motivating men to participate in it.
#13 Considers the proposal counterproductive. "Ban anything and you create martyrs and encourage it"...
#14 Displays total separation from reality: " Tolerate and ignore all religions, kills em stone dead.".
#16 Says "Not yet'.
#17 Seems to imply that the Jews "hijacked Islam".
#18 Says:"You can't ban any religion. Every person has the right to keep his faith, whether he is Christian, Muslim or Atheist."Evidently he does not comprehend the fact that Islam is a militarized murder cult, not a religion. He postulates a right to believe in a divine right & duty to rob, enslave, rape & kill anyone who does not share that belief. How far he is from rationality!
#19 agrees, adding: "...there is never a good reason for violence." To Muslims, Allah's commands & Moe's exemplary conduct are ample reason for violence!
Now therefore I exhort you to sign the following petitions if you have not yet done so, copy them, paste them into an email, and distribute them as widely as possible. Post these links in your blogs and web sites. Promote them in forums. Spread the word!!!
- Outlaw Islam! Amend the U. S. Constitution to exclude Islam from the definition of religion. Copy the blog post with the petition text, signature link, and links to the evidence presented. Paste it into an email and broadcast it widely!!
- Ban Islam , written & posted by a Canadian Crusader, this petition asks the World Court to ban Islam. In two weeks, this petition has garnered 108 signatures, many from Europeans. Please sign this petition, copy it, paste it into an email & send it to everyone in your address book. Ask the recipients to pass it on.