Democrats Easter Message Censors Christ, Resurrection; Fear of Offending Non-Christians
Donald E. Wildmon
Founder and Chairman
April 16, 2007
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Democrats' Easter message censors Christ, Resurrection; Fear Offending Non-Christians
First, the politcally correct crowd tried to take Christ out of Christmas. Now, the Democratic Party has taken Christ and the Resurrection out of Easter. On March 30, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean issued a press statement titled "DNC Offers Passover Greetings." The press statement read: "On Monday night, Jews around the world will begin celebrating Passover, a week-long holiday that commemorates the Israelites' freedom from persecution and slavery."
A week later, Dean and the DNC issued another statement concerning Easter: "Easter Sunday is a joyful celebration. The holiday represents peace, redemption and renewal, a theme which brings hope to people of all faiths." The DNC refused to even mention Jesus or the Resu rrection, the very heart of Easter.
The DNC took one of two unique Christian holy days and turned it into a politically correct "religious" day. The DNC treated Easter as if was not unique to the Christian faith, and made it into a nondescript, universal, nonexclusive religious celebration celebrated by every religion in the world. The DNC greeting had not one word to say about the Resurrection, but said Easter represents "peace, redemption and renewal."They define the Jewish holy day correctly, as they should. But to keep from offending any non-Christian, the DNC takes the Christian Easter and defines it in a politically correct manner. Intentionally offending Christians is something the DNC doesn’t mind doing.
Take Action Send an e-mail to the Democratic National Committee telling them you expect a public apology. Click here to send the e-mail.
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Sincerely, Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
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