Core Demands of the Political Platform of the People's Organization for Progress
Compare the two and then convince me "My 10 Demands of Black Americans" post is racist hate speech. Does the truth hurt? The brutally honest truth? If so then you may be part of the disingenuous politically correct crowd who suffer from cognitive dissonance and believe socialism is the "wave" of the future.
"If the shoe fits--wear it."
To make this comparison easy to follow I will list the original 10 demands and the rebuttals;
1. We demand reparations for the descendants of Africans enslaved in America. We want full and just compensation to all African Americans for the centuries of brutalization and forced labor that their ancestors were made to endure.
Rebuttal: I demand that you forget reparations. People here in America today didn't enslave you, and you yourselves weren't enslaved. Hand outs won't help your lazy asses; hard work will. Get educated and get yourselves a good job.
2. We demand an end to police brutality, and demand the establishment of elected civilian review and control boards with subpoena and prosecutorial powers over all police forces at all levels in the U.S.
Rebuttal: I demand that you stop complaining about the Po-lice. Your neighborhoods are overrun with scum. You NEED the Police. The Police are doing their job. If you are a scumbag gangbanger, you deserve to have the police treat you brutally. It's not at all hard to avoid having your ass kicked by the police. Watch your brother Chris Rock and learn:
How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police
3. We demand an immediate end to all racial inequity and racial discrimination in all areas of life in the U.S.
Rebuttal: I demand you stop bitching about racism. Sure, there are a few racist twits still around, but we all know that they are nutjobs. It just isn't a problem.
4. We demand the immediate creation of jobs programs that will eliminate unemployment and provide jobs at union ages for every person that is willing and able to work.
Rebuttal: I demand you get an education and get your own f-ing job. It is not OUR responsibility to get you employed. It is up to YOU to get employed.
5. We demand a guaranteed minimum income for all people of working age that will allow them to adequately support themselves and their families and eliminate poverty and hunger in this country.
Rebuttal: I demand you work hard for better pay. I demand you stop whining about your low pay when you dropped out of high school. I demand you take responsibility for yourselves.
6. We demand the establishment of a system of universal free health care in the U.S. which will enable all people to receive adequate and proper medical and dental care at all times.
Rebuttal: I demand that you find a job that provides health care insurance for you and your family. I demand that you stop screwing each other and producing children until you have enough income to take care of them and that you provide medical insurance for your family YOURSELF.
7. We demand the establishment of a system of free higher education that will enable all students to attend colleges and universities free of charge.
Rebuttal: I demand you get your own damned education. I demand you work a job or two if you have to pay for it. I demand that you realize you are not due an education at Harvard. If you want that, you will have to work your black ass off.
8.We demand that all federal government fully subsidize all child care programs so that working parents will not longer have to pay for this service.
Rebuttal: I demand you black parents take care of your own damned kids. I demand the fathers remain responsible, and that if you have to stoop so low as to have your kids in day care, I demand you pay for it yourself. Your kids are YOUR responsibility, not ours.
9. We demand the abolition of the death penalty.
Rebuttal: I demand you stop killing each other, and if you continue to kill each other, I demand that capital punishment be used to put you to death, making the world a better place without your murdering black ass alive.
10. We demand adequate food, clothing, housing, employment, health care, education, legal represenation, recreation and culture for every person in the United States of America.
Rebuttal: I demand that you work hard enough and earn enough money to feed yourselves, clothe yourselves, and take care of all of your own needs. You have NO right to anything you listed. You only have the right to not be impeded from achieving your own goals in life. Sphere: Related Content