Pelosi's "Rebuke" of Stark--The Way The Left Fringe "Parents"

Cross posted from Wake Up America and Stop the ACLU!
Of course being a Democratic politician, Nancy Pelosi's rebuke was mild, but even she understood some sort of rebuke was necessary from her, as Speaker of the House, regarding Pete Stark's remarks on the floor of the House. (Hat Tip to Lew for the email)
One of Pete Stark's remarks:
"You don't have money to fund the war or children," Stark accused Republicans. "But you're going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president's amusement."Nancy Pelosi's mild rebuke: (From the San Francisco Chronicle)
"While members of Congress are passionate about their views, what Congressman Stark said during the debate was inappropriate and distracted from the seriousness of the subject at hand - providing health care for America's children," Pelosi, D-San Francisco, said.This is not the first time Nancy Pelosi has had her own underlings in the Democratic party undermine her as she was trying to focus everyones attention on SCHIP.
Right before the SCHIP veto by the president, you might remember that Nancy was upset that House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) decided to unveil his Iraq "war tax" idea, which raged through the blogosphere for about 4 hours before Nancy nixed it publicly, upset that Obey had shifted focus from SCHIP to the war tax, at a critical time.
The Democratic party cannot seem to stay on the same page. Almost like the left hand having no clue what the right hand is doing.
This type of rhetoric from Stark is not new though, his past is strife with him making inappropriate comments, one time, in 2003, the police even had to be called to the hearing.
In 1990, Stark told Health and Human Services Director Louis Sullivan, an African American, that he was a disgrace to his race.
In 2001, Stark made a reference to the children of Rep. J.C. Watts, R-Okla., all being "born out of wedlock. Patently untrue, but that rarely matters to Stark who is known as a back bencher that cannot control his tongue.
He also accused Rep. Nancy Johnson, R-Conn., of being a "whore for the insurance industry.
In 2003, Stark, called Rep. Scott McInnis, R-Colo., "a little wimp" and a "little fruitcake" -- and suggested the two should step outside. Capitol police were called to the hearing. (Source)
It is pretty bad when the San Francisco Chronicle says:
Surely there must be someone along the shoreline between Alameda and Fremont who could represent the good citizens of the district with class and dignity. It's not the case now.Republican politicians had some critical words for Pete Stark following his latest outburst.
John Boehner issued a press release:
“Our troops in Iraq are fighting against al-Qaeda and other radical jihadists hellbent on killing the people we are sent here to represent. Congressman Stark’s statement dishonors not only the Commander-in-Chief, but the thousands of courageous men and women of America’s armed forces who believe in their mission and are putting their lives on the line for our freedom and security. Congressman Stark should retract his statement and apologize to the House, our Commander-in-Chief, and the families of our soldiers and commanders fighting terror overseas. ”Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas:
"It is despicable to have a member of this Congress accuse this president, any president, of willfully blowing the heads, quote, blowing the heads off our young men and women over in Iraq and Afghanistan."Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, said the remarks:
"were hateful and wrong, and should be labeled as such by the House Democrat leadership."Rep. Roy Blunt of Missouri:
Pete Stark’s statements on the House floor this afternoon crossed all lines of decency and decorum. As a member of Congress, he should be ashamed. But as a senior member of the Ways and Means Committee –- and the current chairman of its Health subcommittee –- the Democratic leadership ought to be ashamed as well.”Steny Hoyer (D) said Stark's remarks were "unfortunate" and "totally inappropriate", he then went on to say that he's hopeful that Stark will express his regrets because he says that these comments have been a distraction and CNN is told that several Democratic lawmakers have called Stark today and made it clear that what Stark said on the House floor yesterday was hurting their cause.
That comment from Hoyer is not going to make the lunatic fringe of their party very happy at all, because the far left, liberal, unhinged portion of the party do not want Stark to apologize and those are the people that lead Stark by the nose. Some even claim it is only the Republicans that are upset at Stark, completely ignoring Pelosi's words, Hoyer's words and the fact that other Democratic politicians are calling Stark to make him apologize.
The National Republican Campaign Committee issued a press release:
Pete Stark Drags SCHIP Political Circus to All-Time Low
Washington – Just moments ago, in an outrageous and delusional tantrum on the House floor, California Congressman Pete Stark trampled on the sacrifice of our troops fighting on the frontlines while simultaneously questioning the motivations of the Commander-in-Chief in wartime.
Pete Stark and the Democrat leadership owe the American people an apology, the troops and their families an apology, and they should apologize to the millions of children being held political hostage by their party’s desperate attempt to score a political victory instead of providing healthcare for those who need it most.While Pelosi and Hoyer are upset about Stark "distracting" from the SCHIP issue, Stark's insane cheer leading squad from the far left are encouraging him.
More proof that they party is not only divided but the fringes have the uncanny ability to work against the leadership of their own party, which is one reason they cannot seem to get anything done and are running at a 11% approval rating.
Can any one say.... self destruct mode?
[Update] Gateway Pundit shows that when the nutroots cannot win an argument, they simply lie about it.
Nutrooters Crooks and Liars discovers that if you can’t possibly win an argument over the latest disgusting anti-military, anti-Bush remarks by a Democratic politician…Sphere: Related Content
Then just lie about it.