Obamination-Video:Forged Birth Cert Has 9 Layers
A Facebook friend alerted me to another, more detailed video analysis of the forged birth certificate.
Not having the latest and greatest software, I am forced to make do with what I have. I opened the pdf with Adobe Professional 7 and, using the Advanced Menu, exported "all images". The first image I examined is the (presumably rubber stamped) certification which appears at the bottom of the image in the pdf. The second image shows part of the form, including one partial signature. Click it to view the full sized image. Notice that Mrs. Obama's signature is incomplete and that the other signatures are absent from this image. The third image contains the security paper background, white areas which surround the text, one third of Stanley Ann's signature and the remaining signatures.
Lets take a closer view of the signature block.
I outlined Stanley Ann's signature with a red rectangle for clarity. Note that only the D shows in her maiden name, but the other letters appear as white ghosts. If you have a plausible explanation for one signature on a form to be composed from two overlaid layers, please post it in the comments, I want to see it! Take another look; the flying K from Kansas appears in the box just above the signature. ansas is in the other layer. Why? Why is part of the local registrar's signature on on layer and the rest on another? At World Net Daily, Jerome Corsi published images of the birth certificates of twin girls born the day after Obama's claimed birth. Those images are negatives, probably taken from a microfiche or produced with contact print technology. I copied them and used Irfanview to convert them to positives. Legibility is poor, but it is obvious that the certified place of birth is the same and the dates are one day apart. Now the fun begins. Obama was born first, so he should have a lower serial number. Does he? Lets examine the certificates more closely.
# | Obama | Twin 1 | Twin2 |
Date |
note that the first three digits of the year are light and outlined in white. The last digit is bolder and appears on top of the security pattern. Here is how this box appears in the top layer.
Only the last numeral 1 is visible. Now examine the bottom layer.