Announcing "The Truth Surge" Blogroll
As we all know, the now defunct and discredited Main Stream Media is no longer the Main Stream Media. Oh, I suppose they still may think they are but we all do so indeed know differently, don't we?
IF the Main Stream Media has any ethics between them, we, the American People, would not find it necessary to rely on the independent embedded journalists such as Michael Yon. If it wasn't for men like Michael Yon going into harms way on their own dimes, we, the American People, would NEVER know the Truth about the Surge.
Join us and spread the Good News streaming from the GWOT from all over the world that the "used-to-be" Main Stream Media has blatantly and wrongfully and unethically lie about every day except for the scant few that still have a conscience.
Please follow the instructions provided explicitly and you will be added to The Truth Surge Blogroll.
Thank you in advance for joining us.
bloggers united to combat the media bias on Iraq
There are three steps to take to join;
1) Send an email to or with your blog address, asking to join.
2) Upon receiving the code, paste it into your blog.
3) Send an email to informing that you have inserted the code.
The Blogroll will look similar to the graphics above.
Thanks for joining.
(cross-posted by Snooper)
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