Extend Santorum's Sweep
Rick Santorum's sweep of several Western primaries and caucuses gives Conservatives some renewed hope. The delegate count will be minor, but the added momentum and positive publicity give Santorum a launching platform for the rest of the campaign and money is beginning to flow his way.
While there is no perfect politician and no perfect candidate, Santorum stands out above his rivals for consistent Conservatism. The party establishment, media, experts & consultants want Mitt Romney. Unlike his rivals, Santorum does not have a record of supporting mandatory health insurance and anthropogenic global climate change.
There is, in the Oval Office, ample evidence of the fact that a majority of the voters is indolent, unmotivated, ignorant and or intellectually incapacitated. By sitting at home in front of the idiot box in '08, intelligent, educated and informed members of the electorate allowed ignorant morons swayed by the steady spew from the propaganda mills, to nominate two incompetent and unqualified stuffed shirts, guaranteeing a bad outcome in November.
From the outset, we have been informed by the experts, that Mitt Romney will be the nominee and that only Mitt Romney can attract the votes of 'moderates" & 'independents' and defeat Barack Obama. By discouraging diversion of media attention, campaign donations and votes to the candidates they overlook and reject, the experts hope to morph their selective predictions into self-fulfilling prophecy.
Others have their favorite sons and miracle glamor boys who won one or two elections against great odds and have made a few headlines. They wanted Pawlenty & Perry to save the party by entering the race. How did that work out for you? They may chant "anyone but..." but they will be members of the candidate of the month club, trying one and going for another, never satisfied.
With Romney & Gingrich going deeply negative, Santorum's improving performances in recent debates have earned him more attention from the voters and more votes. I expect them to turn their propaganda guns on Santorum. Santorum's reaction and the reaction of his financial contributors may well determine the outcome of Super Tuesday.
The party establishment hated Goldwater & Reagan and they hate Santorum. They prefer candidates who will 'move right' in the primaries and 'move left' in the general election. The conservative base wants candidates who will campaign on and heavily promote principled Conservative positions on the important issues with consistent enthusiasm.
Now is the time for the Conservative base to recognize the fact that Conservatives are in the majority, LibTards are in the minority, and we need to seize the moment, persevere and seize the day November 6, press on regardless. President Reagan succeeded despite opposition control of Congress. Bush caved in and Shrub failed to fight effectively. McCain was unwilling to take the campaign to the enemy and pound the most important issues home.
If we will not learn from our mistakes now, when will we? I will go to the poling place Feb. 28 and cast my vote for Rick Santorum. My state, dominated by LibTards, will almost certainly go for Mitt Romney. I do not jump onto bandwagons neither do I go with the flow. I make an independent judgment based on the best evidence I can obtain.
Do not vote for the 'winner' who 'can get elected'; vote for the best man for the office and elect him. Black ovals elect, white ovals reject, be careful when voting and make no mistakes.