Showing posts with label Great Britain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Britain. Show all posts

Monday, January 10, 2011

Lionheart Speaks Out!

By Findalis

For those of my readers who do not know who Lionheart is:

Paul Ray is a former Drug Dealer from Luton, England who uses the Nom de Plume Lionheart .  A former drug dealer, he has turned his attention to fighting the Islamic take over of his hometown of Luton and of Great Britain. His blog, Lionheart came to the attention of both the Pakistani drug gangs and the Luton police.  The first put out a contract on Paul's life, the second arrested him for hate speech. In 2009 the charges against Paul were dropped.

At first Paul welcomed the English Defence League (EDL) into the fight against their common foe, but he cut off ties with them for various reasons.

This latest report from Great Britain concerns the EDL
The integrity of the counter-jihad movement in the West

It seems that any criticism rightly or wrongly of perceived injustices or downright serious criminal activities and their subsequent support and cover up is met with stone cold silence by the online media commentators of the Western counter-jihad movement. Either this or vocal opposition that you would dare to have an opinion and share it in a public forum that is contrary to what they want people to hear, which then singles you out to be the one in the wrong and then demeaned in the eyes of their readers.

This can only be described as a form of collective denial syndrome.

Its like Basil Fawlty “whatever you do, don’t mention the war”.

Many online media commentators within the CJ movement are often complaining about how the mainstream media never portray certain issues in the correct light, or are always covering up the issues they themselves are addressing, which inevitably leads to the MSM media as being labeled as biased etc

After watching things myself as an observer with his own personal interest of the CJ movement around the World, and at home with the EDL leadership, I can only come to the conclusion that many of the online commentators I have followed have absolutely no integrity, and would prefer to cover up the truth or stay silent which makes them no better than the MSM that they are so quick to condemn, and are culpable for any criminal acts they have stayed silent over. Their silence and continued support makes them no better than the criminals themselves because they are endorsing their actions by their knowing silence and continued public support.

Maybe it’s my naivety about this subject, but why should anyone in power or in control over decision making within government ever listen to the views of those within the CJ movement when they lie, cover up, and stay silent over very serious issues because it contradicts their own personal agenda.

Those in power and in control of decision making are not stupid; they have a good grasp of the facts, not the facts that are a part of the collective denial syndrome, the actual facts which inevitably determines their opinions and their actions.

Whether people like it or not there is a whole body of evidence in the public domain detailing the extreme right wing neo-nazi influence controlling the English Defence League. This take-over of the EDL happened very early on in the life of the EDL, and over time the facts have emerged, contrary to what EDL supporters have wanted to believe, so they taken the collective denial syndrome approach even in the face of over whelming evidence.

Just because “Tommy Robinson” or “Roberta Moore” tell you something doesn’t mean it is a fact or true. You have to align what they say with the evidence presented and see whether or not it holds up as the truth.

To any serious follower of the EDL movement either supporter of the cause or enemy of the cause, you will know that what they say as a presented reality and how things actually are in reality are two completely different things.

This then leads onto the question; how can anyone ever believe what they say and publicly support them?
Again, the collective denial syndrome.

This is not an anti-EDL post, this is a leadership issue over the control and direction of the EDL and has been there for some time now, concerning many within the EDL movement, past and present. The EDL movement is bigger than 2 or 3 people, it is made up of a large number of committed English/British patriots all over the country, only those 2 or 3 supported by others, have a strangle hold over the leadership so no matter what their misdemeanors are, the whole movement have to put up with it. Then the online CJ media commentators complete silence and continued support of those who have committed acts not befitting leadership that they know about means a continued endorsement of that leadership in the public eye. Thus, why should anyone in power or positions of influence ever take the EDL seriously? Other than the fact that they cost the tax payer millions and are a threat to civil order in Britain.

Smashing up your own country, lying at every opportunity, and covering up and protecting your paedophile friends is definitely not a credible organisation in my eyes, which is completely detrimental to the original aims and intentions of the movement as a whole, and makes the hard work of all those loyal committed people involved with the EDL for the right reasons, be for nothing.

Look at Snowy for instance who spent time in prison for his roof top protest who has now been expelled from the EDL, just because “Tommy” had the power to do so because him and his leadership control the online presence. Snowy’s case has its own story, but did you hear any CJ commentators stand up for him after what he did for the English cause within Britain? SILENCE

Collective denial syndrome.

As I have said, I am not anti the EDL cause, how could I be when contrary to public opinion based upon lies, I was the architect of the movement from its inception in Luton. The EDL cause is bigger than those who have a strangle hold over the leadership of the movement on the street. No matter what happens to “Tommy”, “Roberta”, “Kevin” or anyone else, the membership will still be in place and the movement will still move forward under a new leadership. Even if the EDL is banned the movement will still continue because it is a popular social movement now, comprised of a people united in a common belief and vision, only at present under this current leadership it has become an un-popular social movement to most people outside of the EDL and their collective denial commentators and you only have to look on youtube or google to see another opinion of the EDL from the outside.

This recent EDL Noncegate affair in my personal opinion is one step too far for anyone concerning this current EDL leadership, although there are still those attacking and criticsing me for daring to share an opinion on the matter, and everyone else is still affected by the collective denial syndrome.

“whatever you do, don’t mention the war”.

If this does not wake people up to reality from their denial and force them to start acting with some form of human decency and integrity, by way of publicly criticising and distancing themselves from those involved in lying to the EDL membership, and supporting and covering up for their EDL leadership friend who pleaded guilty to downloading sexually explicit images of children, then nothing will.

Continued silence means complicity in the whole affair, and means continued support in the public EDL eye of those who are guilty over the whole affair.

Of course there is the usual backtracking and lies by those involved, but it is too late, the damage has already been done because they lied to the EDL membership and covered up a very very serious criminal offence against the most innocent and vulnerable in society – Our children.

The EDL membership just do not want to believe this really happened, their friend downloading child porn, and the leadership have not helped by blaming everyone else, even the British Security Services, rather than actually admit their EDL leader owned up to his own actions, with the EDL leadership then attempting to cover it up for him.

The online counter-jihad media commentators around the world can continue to ignore this very serious event within the life of the English Defence League because it conflicts with their own personal agendas, but there are some who will not, and until justice is served for all those who know this is a step too far for anyone including “Tommy Robinson”, there will be people who will continue to raise awareness to this ongoing story and any more that unfold with this current EDL leadership.

Do not say you were not warned, when you could have acted and done what was right and spoken out but chose not to and continued in your collective denial. An open letter has been presented here on this blog asking Rabbi Nachum Shifren to make his position clear due to the fact that he is this leadership’s most high profile supporter so we would like to see his public position on the EDL Noncegate affair, and silence is not an option for him now.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

"The Most Moral Army In The World!"

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

Is the assessment given to the IDF by Colonel Richard Kemp (Great Britain) to the UN Human Rights Council 12th Special Session, 16 October 2009 Debate on Goldstone Report.

The Goldstone report (you can read this work of fiction here) is based on lies, innuendos, and hearsay. There is no factual data in this work of fiction (the conclusion was made way before the members of the committee were picked) and it is considered the honest truth by the Obama Administration trying to appease their Muslim masters. It is the only way Obama and his Muslim cohorts can "legally" destroy Israel (since the Muslims are too incompetent to do it with an army).

The world will not listen to reason and the truth. The world has already decided on the verdict (with the great appeaser Barack Hussein Obama leading the way to the slaughter [His his idol Hitler would have been so proud of him!]).

I ask you, truthseeker, to listen to the words of this British hero, and judge for yourself.

Col. Richard Kemp on the U.N. Goldstone Report

View at YouTube

Text of the speech

Thank you, Mr. President.

I am the former commander of the British forces in Afghanistan. I served with NATO and the United Nations; commanded troops in Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Macedonia; and participated in the Gulf War. I spent considerable time in Iraq since the 2003 invasion, and worked on international terrorism for the UK Government’s Joint Intelligence Committee.

Mr. President, based on my knowledge and experience, I can say this: During Operation Cast Lead, the Israeli Defence Forces did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.

Israel did so while facing an enemy that deliberately positioned its military capability behind the human shield of the civilian population.

Hamas, like Hizballah, are expert at driving the media agenda. Both will always have people ready to give interviews condemning Israeli forces for war crimes. They are adept at staging and distorting incidents.

The IDF faces a challenge that we British do not have to face to the same extent. It is the automatic, Pavlovian presumption by many in the international media, and international human rights groups, that the IDF are in the wrong, that they are abusing human rights.

The truth is that the IDF took extraordinary measures to give Gaza civilians notice of targeted areas, dropping over 2 million leaflets, and making over 100,000 phone calls. Many missions that could have taken out Hamas military capability were aborted to prevent civilian casualties. During the conflict, the IDF allowed huge amounts of humanitarian aid into Gaza. To deliver aid virtually into your enemy's hands is, to the military tactician, normally quite unthinkable. But the IDF took on those risks.

Despite all of this, of course innocent civilians were killed. War is chaos and full of mistakes. There have been mistakes by the British, American and other forces in Afghanistan and in Iraq, many of which can be put down to human error. But mistakes are not war crimes.

More than anything, the civilian casualties were a consequence of Hamas’ way of fighting. Hamas deliberately tried to sacrifice their own civilians.

Mr. President, Israel had no choice apart from defending its people, to stop Hamas from attacking them with rockets.

And I say this again: the IDF did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Col. Richard Kemp, CBE, served in the British Army from 1977 - 2006. He was Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan, an infantry battalion Commanding Officer, worked for the Joint Intelligence Committee and COBR and completed 14 operational tours of duty around the globe.

Richard Kemp was appointed Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE), Military Division, in recognition of his intelligence work in Northern Ireland in 1992–1993 and was awarded the Queen's Commendation for Bravery as a commander in the United Nations Protection Force in Bosnia in 1994. He was appointed Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE), Military Division, in the New Year Honours 2006 for his service in relation to the London bomb attacks in 2005, and for his work for the British and US governments in Iraq the same year.

Thousands have watched his testimony. Now is the time to turn his words into action. Write to your Congressman, to your Senator, remind them that lies do not make a truth no matter how many times you tell them. Remind them that you vote, that you support Israel, and will not vote for them if they do not do all that they can to get the President to use our veto in the Security Council when this pack of lies comes up for a vote.

There is truth and there are lies. Goldstone is a lie.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Letter To America

by Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

A letter from an Englishman to the people of America
Dear Mr and Mrs America,

I am writing this letter to you in the hope that I can draw to your attention the dangerous route your country is taking,

I am naught but an ordinary Englishman who is seeing the danger signs springing up in the country where my children live, below is what I see happening in America, and I would not like to see the USA going down the same disastrous route that the UK has been taken by its government.

Many years ago, just after the small argument that America and Britain had over taxes,people from all over Europe migrated to the New World, they came for a new life and a new start, they did not come as French Americans, Dutch or German Americans or even English Americans, they arrived and became "Americans" , they signed up to the American way.

These people remembered their old country but were committed to their new one, its values principles and practices were the bedrock of their being in America.

These people set about building the most powerful country on the planet, they had a common aim, a common belief and a common will, that will was to build America for their children.

These people endured much hardship and privation but they did not give up, they were determined to build America.

The foundations of your country was built by these people, the ideals of your country are steeped in the sweat and blood of these early Americans.

Alas the sacrifices of these people appear to be slipping into history, they are being relegated to folklore.

The foundations that were laid are being eroded and there is a great danger that America will no longer be American unless a change of course is made.

The Balkanization of America could happen, Multiculturalism has reared its destructive head in the USA.

Multiculturalism is an invention of socialist dogma, its main premise is that all cultures can live in complete harmony in the same space without surrendering any of their cultural beliefs and practices.

On the face of it that is true, indeed Europe has many cultures on its land mass but they are all in their own space these spaces are called countries, each country , as you know has its own unique culture.

It is precisely that concept that multiculturalism dislikes intently, multiculturalism states that you can have significant populations of other cultures, practicing their culture, living in Germany for example and there will not be any conflict of cultural ideals, provided that the host country - in this case Germany makes concessions to the other culture.

Multiculturalism does not tolerate the concept of a united nation state, united in the sense of its own culture being predominant within that country, this is a big no - no.

The multiculturalist concept fractures countries and leads to the partition of those countries, Kosovo is a prime example of this happening.

When the "guest" cultures grow bigger the demands upon the" host" country grow stronger, inevitably the host country has to surrender more of its own values, principles and practices in order to accommodate the wishes of their guests - not to do so would be seen as racist or Xenophobic.

Islam has now taken root in the USA, Islam will not surrender any of its beliefs and practices, Islam will demand that the USA accommodate all of its wishes, Islam will demand that the USA introduces legislation that makes it unlawful to criticize Islam, Islam will demand its own Sharia legal system, Islam will demand its own food (Halal), Islam will demand its own schools (Madrases) Islam will demand its own governing body

Islam will grow in the USA, the birth rate of Muslims is very high, when sufficient numbers are reached they will eventually demand their own state - Balkanization will have started.

Should any American want to see what Multiculturalism and the influx of Islam into a country results in, all I can say is take a look at the UK, a good hard look.

If Mr and Mrs America want to keep America American, remember your roots, do not allow your government to sign away your history, The labour government have done just that in the UK - without our permission

America has a "Democrat" President, the policies of the democrats in America are almost exactly the same as the Labour government in the UK, they are all based upon socialist concepts, The EU is based on Socialist concepts and is run by ex communist party members, as is the UK.

If America wants to be overrun by hordes of people who do not support the American way of life, who expect to be given precedence upon arrival in the US, who will have no allegiance to the Stars and Stripes, who will jeer and insult American military personnel, who will overtly declare their hatred of America and will plan to destroy the USA and all it stands for - then carry on with the socialist multicultural model.

I know many in America are aware of what is happening and I hope that many many more will realize the situation as well, there is however one thing all Americans must remember - AMERICA IS NOT TOO BIG TO FALL, you now have the enemy within, you like the UK have a fifth column in your country.
Great Britain is fighting for its very soul. The indigenous people of the British Isles are under threat from Islam daily. Already Shar'ia Law governs many areas. Areas in which a non-Muslim is forbidden to go.

There are calls here in the US to incorporate Shar'ia Law into our court system. There are efforts by CAIR to force the US into giving special privileges and rights to Muslims in the workplace, schools, and recreation centers. No other minority group ever asked for special privileges, yet we are suppose to grant it to Muslims.

The warnings are being sounded. Will we in the US ever listen?

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Muslim lawyer Anjem Choudary brands Christmas 'evil'

Cross posted by Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

The war on Christmas is now international with Muslims stepping in to take pot shots at the holiday.

Muslim preacher Anjem Choudary has branded Christmas "evil" in a sermon posted on the internet.
The lawyer, who recently praised the Mumbai terror attacks, urged all Muslims to reject traditional Christmas celebrations, claiming that they are forbidden by Allah.

The 41-year-old shocked Christians and even those of his own faith by branding yuletide festivities as "the pathway to hellfire".

Choudary, who is chairman of the Society of Muslim Lawyers, ruled out all celebrations, including having a Christmas tree, decorating the house or eating turkey.

In the sermon posted on an Islamic website, he said: "In the world today many Muslims, especially those residing in western countries, are exposed to the evil celebration Christmas.

"Many take part in the festival celebrations by having Christmas turkey dinners.

"Decorating the house, purchasing Christmas trees or having Christmas turkey meals are completely prohibited by Allah.

"Many still practise this corrupt celebration as a remembrance of the birth of Jesus.

Choudary is Principal Lecturer at the London School of Shari'ah and a follower of the Islamist militant leader Omar Bakri Mohammed.

Earlier this year, he led a meeting at the heart of the area where the liquid bombers lived, which warned of a British September 11.

Full Story
Isn't it strange that a Muslim would condemn the birth of Jesus as a pathway to Hell since under Islamic teachings, Jesus was a prophet of God.
Behold! the angels said "O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus the son of Mary held in honor in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah. ( Quran, 3:45)
So wouldn't honoring this prophet be an acceptable idea? I guess not according to Anjem Choudary.

is an outspoken hatemonger. Here are just a few examples:
In October of 2000 Choudary issued a press release as the UK head of Al-Muhajiroun, threatening British Jews not to support Israel in any way. The press release said, in part, that it is an "Islamic obligation upon Muslims everywhere to support the Jihad against those who fight Muslims anywhere in the world or who occupy Muslim land," "the Qur'an is explicit in making Israeli aggressors and occupiers legitimate targets for Muslims wherever they may be" and that "if you support Israel financially, verbally or physically you will become part of the conflict." And did the British government arrest him for this act of hatred? No.

At a press conference in Walthamstow, East London, on the eve of the first anniversary of the 7 July 2005 London bombings, Choudary said that Muslims in Britain were "oppressed" and had the right to defend themselves "by whatever means". He also said that he would not notify police if he were to learn of another terrorist bombing plot, and that "I don't think Muslims can co-operate with police."

Choudary told a reporter, "Whoever insults the message of Muhammad is going to be subject to capital punishment. I am here have a peaceful demonstration. But there may be people in Italy or other parts of the world who would carry that out. I think that warning needs to be understood by all people who want to insult Islam and want to insult the prophet of Islam." Police launched an investigation into the protest, but no charges were laid.

In a BBC interview Choudary was asked why he would not say with Omar Bakri Mohammed, "I condemn the killing of innocent people." Choudary replied,
At the end of the day, when we say "innocent people" we mean "Muslims". As far as non-Muslims are concerned, they have not accepted Islam. As far as we are concerned, that is a crime against God.

View at YouTube

Choudary lost no time in seizing upon the Archbishop of Canterbury's well-publicised remarks in February 2008 concerning shariah law in the UK. He held a public meeting in Harmony Hall, Walthamstow, calling for the implementation of Shariah law in its entirety in the UK. In posters that were fly-posted near tube stations in East London, he billed himself as Judge of the Shari'ah Court of the UK.

Speaking a conference on September 11th, 2008 in London, Choudary, referring to the high birth rate of Muslims, stated that "It may be by pure conversion that Britain will become an Islamic state. We may never need to conquer it from the outside.". He also stated that "We do not integrate into Christianity. We will ensure that one day you will integrate into the Sharia Islamic law.".

Speaking at a UCD Debate on Shariah Law in Ireland, Anjem contended that Shari'ah law is the future for Ireland and Britain and was opposed by professors and students of the University.

In November 2008, Choudary organised a meeting of the 'Islam for the UK' group in the Brady Arts and Community Centre in Tower Hamlets at which Omar Bakri Mohammmad spoke via a video-conference link. At this meeting, in response to a question from a female Muslim with regard to Islam being a religion of peace, Choudary stated that "Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of submission. We need to submit to the will of Allah."
By his own words does he admit that Islam is not a religion of peace.

So now he hates Christmas. Maybe he should move to a nation that he would be happy in, but alas he can't. He was thrown out of Lebanon in 2005. They don't want him either.

And what does the Association of Muslim Lawyers say about their leader's words? Nothing. They neither condemn nor condone. They are silent. And silence equals consent. By their silence they are agreeing with Choudary 100%.

So much of a joyous Christmas with your Muslim friends. Pretty soon it will be illegal in Great Britain to even celebrate Christmas. But don't worry, you can celebrate Eid and slaughter a goat instead.

View at YouTube

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Islamists Protest in London: 'Pharaoh Had a Dream That One Day His Kingdom Would Fall'

Cross Posted by Findalis from Monkey in the Middle

A seven-minute video titled "For Every Pharaoh [sic] There Is a Musa," uploaded to YouTube on December 7, 2008, shows two groups of protesters in Islamic garb – one in a park holding signs, and one marching, with police protection, on a residential city street. Both groups are led by speakers with megaphones; the one in the park focuses on Abu Hamza Al-Masri, the Egyptian-born former imam of London's Finsbury Park Mosque who is currently serving a prison sentence in London,(1) and the marchers focus on the oppression of Chinese Muslims.(2) The location in both cases appears to be London.

The video was uploaded by "londondawa," self-described as "Brothers in londonistan carrying hisbah for the sake of Allah regarding abu hamza and oppressed Muslims in china."

The video disappeared on December 10 around 1:45 EST. According to YouTube it was "removed by the user."

The last section of the video features a man in Islamic garb being interviewed by a woman; on the screen is the caption "Abuizzadeen (Al-Ghurabaa Group)." The man says, "If we live in a society where Islam is not the ruling system, we need to work to change that... It means that if there's a contradiction between Islamic law and the British law, the British law can go to hell."

The video's audio is augmented intermittently by a song in Arabic sung by male voices; this song was previously heard in "Al-Qaeda Media Broadcasting Company Al-Sahab's Retrospective on the 5th Anniversary of the 9/11/2001: 'The Manhattan Raid."(3)

Following are excerpts from the video. The video can currently be viewed on MEMRI's YouTube page here or below:

Titles on screen against black background: "Pharaoh had a dream that someday his kingdom would fall; He gathered his advisers and helpers

Title:"But little did he know...; Moses (Musa) would arise from within his own home"

Protester 4: leads call and response in Arabic. Song continues in background.

Cut back to protesters in park. Same song as before in background. Camera focuses in on signs held by men in Islamic robes, which now include "British Courts Go to Hell," "UK & US: The Real Terrorist)

Protester 2: "George [unclear] go to hell!"

Other protesters: "George [unclear] go to hell!"

Protester 2: "British government go to hell!"

Other protesters: "British government go to hell!"

Cut back to marching protesters, along with the line of British policemen accompanying them

Protester 5: here there is the addition of English subtitles of the English spoken by protesters: "Oh Muslims of China we know you are suffering a lot; we know you cannot speak (because of the oppression); we know you can't even keep a beard (because of the oppression); but Inshallah the Muslims are on their way; the Muslims are on their way; To implement the Law of Allah (swt)."

Protester 2: "Because you handed over your brother to those disbelievers and he is gonna face torture in American prison, he could even face death [unclear] – What kind of [unclear] Muslims have we become? There is no concern for Muslim brothers no more. There is no concern about the ulema.

"These Middle Eastern people are on the front line, working for Islam, speaking the truth against those tyrants, against the British establishment who has a history of occupying and killing, massacring Muslims, and those [unclear] that divide Islam. It is because if they cannot tell us what is the [unclear], what is the haram. They remind us that there is none worthy of worship but Allah, and that the prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. It is like those brothers, like Abu Hamza, it is like [unclear], like Abu Hamza, who Allah bless [unclear] so that they can [unclear] reminding us of our Islamic duties.

"So where are you, my dear Muslim brothers? How come you neglected them? Where is your responsibility to brotherhood? Where is your feeling of brotherhood? Where is your love for the Muslim ummah? What kind of people have we become? Shame on us! Shame on you Muslim brothers. This is the time when [should] we speak out"

Speaker: "If we live in a society where Islam is not in the ruling system, we need to work to change that.

Interviewer: "And what does that mean in practical terms? If...if—

Speaker: "It means that if there's a contradiction between Islamic law and the British law, the British law can go to hell."

(1)For more about Abu Hamza Al-Masri, see MEMRI Special Report No. 37, "Arab and Iranian Media Reactions to the London Bombing – Part II: 'The Attacks Were Anticipated Due to British Leniency to Extremists Acting in Britain'- 'Expel Extremism Today,'" July 12, 2005,; MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 921, "Arab Criticism of Muslim Extremist Activities in the West," June 10, 2005,; MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 762, "Sheikh Abu Hamza Al-Masri on Martyrdom and the Love of Death," August 12, 2004,; MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 410, "Islamist Leaders in London Interviewed," August 9, 2002,; MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis No. 72, "Radical Islamist Profiles (1): London-Abu Hamza Al-Masri," October 17, 2001,
(2) For more on Chinese Islamists, see MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 1947, "The Islamic Party of Turkestan" [i.e. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Chinese Turkestan] Posts Its Platform on an Islamist Forum," June 3, 2008,; MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 1352,
"Islamist Websites Monitor No. 20," November 10, 2006, . See also MEMRI Urdu-Pashtu Blog "New Al-Qaeda Leader Appointed For China,"
(3) This video is part of MEMRI's Jihad & Terrorism Monitor Project Studies Archives.

From Monkey in the Middle:

British Law can go to hell! That just about sums it up nicely. No talk of assimilation or even partial assimilation. Do what we demand or else! The cry of every bully and thug since the human race began.

And I can tell you that these thugs, these bullies, these barbarians don't get arrested for this. No they are treated as if they were made of china. They must be appeased and placated. One must not criticize them or you will be arrested instead. Just like dear Lionheart who has been silenced by these goons.

While the barbarians grow bolder forcing their archaic 7th Century beliefs on all, the native people of Great Britain are imprisoned and fined for speaking their mind or just saying no to one of these gangsters.

Already in Great Britain these barbarians have gotten the school system to remove all references to Christianity and British History. They have forced schools to remove or change their annual Christmas pageant, after all it conflicts with their holiday of Eid. You know that wonderful holiday that is culminated by the ritual slaughter of goats. I wonder why PETA hasn't screamed about that yet. But if they did, they would also be subject to the Dhimmi laws prohibited protest about anything Muslim. So PETA is safe. It only goes after Jews and Christians now.

Then there is Shar'ia Law. There is no way that Shar'ia can ever be compatible with any Democracy. There is no equal justice under the law. Women are treated as only 1/4 of a person. Nice. Under slavery in the US at least a black person was considered 3/5 of a person. I guess that the British government is ok with that too. For they have allowed Shar'ia Law to become the Law of the Land.

And now the whole world is poised for the biggest scam in the history of banking. Welcome to Shar'ia Financing! A scam that will totally destroy the world's banking system. And it will be forced not only on every bank in Great Britain, but on every bank in the world. See how every economy tumbles when this scam finally is fulfilled.

The British are well under way to their Dhimmitude, unless their native people remember their Celtic/Saxon/Pict heritage and drive these barbarians back to their homeland.

And now the US is starting to go the same route. Do we have the courage to say NO to the barbarians and demand that US Law be enforced and not Shar'ia? I pray to God that we do.

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Another result of accepting Shar'ia Law

Posted from Monkey in the Middle
Hat tip to Dhimmi Watch

For over 2 weeks now Shar'ia Law has been incorporated into the British legal system. This was done to appease their Muslim minority. The government officials stated that this would not impact on the average Brit. Yet just looking at this report now, we can see the effect of caving into the wishes of the minority, and the impact on the majority.

Muslims try to get alcohol banned at Tesco

Bedford Today, UK September 25 2008
By Sally-Anne Johnson

Petitions handed in as licence hearing looms

More than 150 people have signed petitions imploring Luton Borough Council to deny the new Tesco Express in Bury Park an alcohol licence.

The bid from the supermarket giant has upset Muslims living in the area, some of whom say they find the idea of alcohol being sold offensive.

Next Tuesday councillors will make a decision on the application, which, if successful, would see the store permitted to sell alcohol from 6am until 11pm every day (...)
And what would happen if they did this all over Great Britain? How long will it be until the Muslim minority will close the pubs? Demand women to wear the hajib? Force the full Dhimmitude on the majority? How long would it be until the average Brit would take to the streets and riot?

This is why we in the United States must resist all attempts to incorporate Shar'ia Law into any aspect of our legal system. This is why each and every time groups like CAIR try to force employers and communities into giving special treatment to Muslims, we must oppose it forcefully and with all our means possible.

We must remind our Representatives that:

Shar'ia Law isn't compatible with the US Constitution!

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They Sacrifice for US



The Veterans Hospital in Tucson needs our help!!! They have contacted Soldiers' Angels with a list of needs for their patients. Soldiers Angels needs your help in making some of these come true.

Below you will find just a small portion of needs that are immediate. You can also find this list posted on the Soldiers Angels Forum at you will be able to find lots of great information there for our deployed and vets.

If you are sending a monetary donation please follow the link and indicate the State you are in.

Donate here;

Dry Skin Cream
Slipper Socks-No skid
Catheter bag covers
Shaving Cream
Hand Lotion
Baby Shampoo
Hand Soap
Roll on/Spray Deodorant
Denture Cleaner
Underwear (men and women (all sizes)
Denture Grip
Socks (white)
Talcum Powder
Nail Clippers
Ladies hand and body lotion
Disposable Razors
Shaving Cream/small
Knitted Caps
Travel Alarm Clocks
Ball Caps
Tote Bags
Shower Shoes
Pocket Size Needle and Thread Kit
Heart pillows for cardiac patients
Lap Robes (3x5 or 5x7)

30 cup coffee makers
Coffee supplies (reg. & decaf)
Music CDs
Writing Paper and Envelopes
Prepaid Phone Cards for patients’

Puzzle books
Crossword Puzzles
Video tapes & DVDs (movies, educational)
DVD Player

Sports equipment (basketball, tennis rackets &
Tickets for entertainment & sporting events
Balls, badminton set, Frisbees, football)

If you can send just one item that would be great!!! If each person sends one thing we will make a difference! They are also needing those who can volunteer time at the hospital just contact the Voluntary Services Dept. For information.

Mail Items to:

Department of Veterans Affairs Southern Arizona VA Health Care System – Voluntary Services 9-135, 3601 S. Sixth Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85723


Surrender is NOT An Option Banner

Surrender is NOT An Option Banner

My Favorite Speeches and Other Items of Interest

  • George Bush's March 28, 2007 Discusses Economy, War on Terror During Remarks to the National Cattlemen's Beef Association;
  • Mitch McConnell's March 15, 2007 Funding For Troops, Not Timelines for Retreat;
  • Ronald Reagan's June 12, 1987 Tear Down This Wall Speech;
  • Vice President Cheney's March 12, 2007 Remarks at the AIPAC 2007 Policy Conference;

Winston Churchill Quotes

  • A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.
  • Although personally I am quite content with existing explosives, I feel we must not stand in the path of improvement.
  • Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed.
  • Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
  • Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter.
  • Danger - if you meet it promptly and without flinching - you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!
  • I always seem to get inspiration and renewed vitality by contact with this great novel land of yours which sticks up out of the Atlantic.
  • I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else.
  • I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.
  • I like a man who grins when he fights.
  • I was only the servant of my country and had I, at any moment, failed to express her unflinching resolve to fight and conquer, I should at once have been rightly cast aside.
  • If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time-a tremendous whack.
  • In war as in life, it is often necessary when some cherished scheme has failed, to take up the best alternative open, and if so, it is folly not to work for it with all your might.
  • It is no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.
  • Moral of the Work. In war: resolution. In defeat: defiance. In victory: magnanimity. In peace: goodwill.
  • Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.
  • Never, never, never give up.
  • No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism.
  • One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!
  • Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
  • Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
  • The first quality that is needed is audacity.
  • The nose of the bulldog has been slanted backwards so that he can breathe without letting go.
  • The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.
  • There is no such thing as public opinion. There is only published opinion.
  • These are not dark days: these are great days - the greatest days our country has ever lived.
  • They are decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent.
  • True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information.
  • Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.
  • War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can.
  • War is mainly a catalogue of blunders.
  • We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
  • We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.
  • When the eagles are silent the parrots begin to jabber.
  • When you are winning a war almost everything that happens can be claimed to be right and wise.
  • You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

Ronald Reagan Quotes

  • "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant: It's just that they know so much that isn't so."
  • Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have.
  • All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk.
  • Approximately 80% of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vegetation, so let's not go overboard in setting and enforcing tough emission standards from man-made sources
  • Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
  • Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.
  • Double, no triple, our troubles and we'd still be better off than any other people on earth. It is time that we recognized that ours was, in truth, a noble cause.
  • Facts are stupid things.
  • Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
  • Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged.
  • Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.
  • Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them.
  • History teaches that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.
  • How can a president not be an actor?
  • How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.
  • I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the US Congress.
  • I will stand on, and continue to use, the figures I have used, because I believe they are correct. Now, I'm not going to deny that you don't now and then slip up on something; no one bats a thousand.
  • In Israel, free men and women are every day demonstrating the power of courage and faith. Back in 1948 when Israel was founded, pundits claimed the new country could never survive. Today, no one questions that. Israel is a land of stability and democracy in a region of tryanny and unrest.
  • Let us ask ourselves; "What kind of people do we think we are?".
  • Man is not free unless government is limited.
  • My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win out.
  • No mother would ever willingly sacrifice her sons for territorial gain, for economic advantage, for ideology.
  • Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.
  • Our forbearance should never be misunderstood. Our reluctance for conflict should not be misjudged as a failure of will. When action is required to preserve our national security, we will act.
  • Protecting the rights of even the least individual among us is basically the only excuse the government has for even existing.
  • Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.
  • The ultimate determinant in the struggle now going on for the world will not be bombs and rockets but a test of wills and ideas - a trial of spiritual resolve: the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish and the ideals to which we are dedicated.
  • The United Sates has much to offer the third world war.
  • There are no easy answers' but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.
  • To paraphrase Winston Churchill, I did not take the oath I have just taken with the intention of presiding over the dissolution of the world's strongest economy.
  • Today we did what we had to do. They counted on America to be passive. They counted wrong.
  • We are never defeated unless we give up on God.
  • We have the duty to protect the life of an unborn child.
  • We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.
  • We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we will always be free.
  • Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.
  • You know, if I listened to Michael Dukakis long enough, I would be convinced we're in an economic downturn and people are homeless and going without food and medical attention and that we've got to do something about the unemployed.

Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes

  • No one can make you feel inferior without your consent

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