While I am completely in agreement with the speaker's anger, passion and sense of urgency, I am in profound disagreement with three of the ideas he promotes.
- Term limits.
- The draft.
- Eliminating the Electoral College.
Mailing tea bags to Washington seems to me to be a wasteful symbolic gesture. Security procedures instituted after the Anthrax attacks have have hampered important and necessary postal communication with Congressmen. Mailing tea bags would compound that problem.
There are petitions you can sign & promote and tea parties to attend. But, if you really want to instill fear in the hearts of the demagogues, those activities pale before the one act that has real potential: a mass exodus from the corrupt parties to a new startup: the Loyalist Party. When the the corrupt parties phone or write begging for money, turn them down and tell them where your support is going and why. If enough people do that, the parties will be forced to take notice. Sphere: Related Content