Hamas is campaigning openly for Obama
You get a phone call asking you to vote for Barack Hussein Obama and you say no. The caller on the other end is giving you reason after reason to vote for him and will not take no for an answer. You hang up on this rude caller and think that is that. But what you don't know is that the caller for the Obama campaign is actually in Gaza and a member of Hamas.
A Palestinian Authority newspaper reported on Sunday that Arab residents of Gaza are randomly calling Americans at home in hopes of persuading them to vote for Democratic candidate Senator Barack Obama in next month's US presidential election.Last summer Barack Hussein Obama met with Palestinian leaders. What secret deals did he make with them? Did he promise to invade Israel and give the whole nation to the Palestinians? I wouldn't be surprised if he did. Barack Hussein Obama is an anti-Semite who has sat at the feet of Reverend Wright for 20 years. The same Reverend Wright who thought that Hitler was a great man and didn't go far enough.
The article in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, first noted and translated by Palestinian Media Watch, quotes a young man from the Hamas-controlled Gaza region as saying, "We dial random numbers and try to call people [in the United States] without knowing their identity or their affiliation...." He reportedly uses "Internet sites that allow making free calls... in order to use them for the campaign supporting Obama."
Abu Jayyab's freelance phone campaign for Obama in the last weeks of the American presidential race has not been the first time the Illinois senator has gotten such help. An Al-Jazeera TV report during the Democratic primaries featured Abu Jayyab as well, when he was busy organizing calls to American voters to persuade them to vote for Obama over then-candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton.
Other types of assistance have also been forthcoming from Gaza. In July of this year, Pamela Geller of the Atlas Shrugs blog revealed documents purporting to show that the Obama campaign received nearly $30,000 from two brothers living in Rafiah, in Hamas-controlled Gaza, during 2007.
Earlier, during an April 2008 interview with WABC radio and WorldNetDaily, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh's Gaza-based political advisor Ahmed Yousef said, "Actually, we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will [win] the election and I do believe he is like John Kennedy, great man with great principle."
Full Story
Mark my word. This is a prophecy I now give you. If Barack Hussein Obama is elected to the Presidency of the United States, he will find an excuse to invade Israel within 3 years of his Presidency. No wonder why every terrorist group from CAIR to Hizbollah is openly supporting him with money and people.