Cult of Barack Husssein Obama--The Blind Who Will Not See
Now, those enthralled with the cult of Barack Hussein Obama (oops, using a person's given name is now politically incorrect--or at least in this case it is--TOO DAMNED BAD) were quick to denounce anyone who used this picture as racist and quick to defend his actions--it was political politeness, after all.
Let's forget for a while the child was sired by a Kenyan who drank himself to death (well, he wrapped his Mercedes around a pole) after failing as a "powerful" government mover and shaker and, of course, after he abandoned his infant son and wife.
Let's forget for a while Obama, Sr. was indeed muslim.
Let's also forget for a while Obama's first cousin is a Kenyan involved in the slaughter going on in Kenya (it seems Odinga doesn't care for democracy) and Obama became involved in this matter (although it must be said he had State Department permission to do so).
Let's also forget for awhile Obama's step-father was also muslim.
Let's forget Obama accompanied his step-father to the mosque and attended madrassas.
Let's forget his current "church" is based on an "Africa first" attitude and has Louis Farrakhan on hand. Oh and his "church" is now under an IRS investigation, as reported in this AP article here.
Let's forget Farrakhan has now endorsed Obama and Obama (after much stuttering and stammering) refused to distance himself from this particular extremist endorsement.
Let's not forget how he would endanger our national security by refusing to fight the terrorists. Apparently his ideological "soul" brothers.
After all, from his wife we hear "Orwell" speak and an extreme lack of pride in this country, even though she's led a charmed, blessed life. Take a good look at her pictures again--this woman is pissed at the world and she's not hiding it well at all. Take a good look into her eyes--those are the eyes of a seriously angry woman on the edge.
Now, from Sweetness and Light (where the original picture came from) we have another picture of Obama. However, this one isn't a political photo op or political politeness. This is an ordinary family picture. And once again, he is in full muslim regalia.
I don't buy something just because someone says it's so. I know many who proclaim themselves "Christian" who are some of the most hypocritical people in the world. But, I'm supposed to believe Barack Hussein Obama just because he says so? That's the practice of idiots. He may say one thing--but his actions and associations say quite another.
I'm not into following deceptive, lying, megalomaniac cult leaders and that is what Obama is.
Too bad there are so many sheep following him blindly, to the slaughter. Sphere: Related Content