This Week's Sunday Funnies-12/02/2007
Does this dog REALLY look like he wants to track ANYONE?
What we should call America until and unless our representatives do their jobs and protect American Sovereignty by enforcing existing laws:
Once again, the defeatists and far left nutroots can't handle success and Bush is a completely deranged idiot in their eyes. Truth is difficult for these people to face, much less accept:
Good one George!
The "Religion of Peace"? Tell me another fairy tale, Mother Goose!
I think lying is inbred into the Clintons--the problem is (("IS"?) they're not very good at it and keep getting caught. So, just what "IS" their charm? I don't want someone this transparently bad at lying leading me--at least find someone who has lying down to a fine art and can get away with it about 50% of the time!
This is perfect for these two year olds who can't get out of the sandbox, much less do anything constructive. Where's the nanny's to change the diapers?
These just speak for themselves:
As stated above, does this "conference" really fool anyone? If it does, they must have their heads buried in the sand so deeply they're seeing the opposite pole. What a farce--my advice? Israel, ruck up!
And the ACLU's standard pretend outrage. It's CHRISTmas (for Christians) and Hanukkah for our Jewish friends. Get over it already, and if it offends you, look away, dammit.
Sesame Street no suitable for children? GIVE ME A BREAK!
Enjoy. And have a great week! Sphere: Related Content