San Fran Nan Needs to Be Excommunicated-Lip Service Catholic Refuses to Defend Faith

The first hour of yesterday's O'Reilly Factor covered this story--the more I heard, the more dismayed and angry I became. And I wasn't the only one-from the tone of the calls O'Reilly was receiving, gays and Catholics were also outraged by this.
Hold up--gays you say? Catholics I can understand, but gays? Yes--gays. Gays who are fed up with the antics of militant gays, gays who are trying to live their lives in peace and being lumped in the same category as the militants by association and simply because they have made the choice to live a gay life. Gays who are ASHAMED to even be linked, however peripherally, with militant gays.
Many are calling for the dismissal of the Archbishop by Rome and Rome's condemnation.
While I'm appalled at the desecration of the Holy Sacrament by the archbishop allowing these men to receive Communion (as Catholics, we believe the bread and wine are the actual Body and Blood of Christ), I think, as O'Reilly pointed out, the archbishop was caught off guard and possibly in a state of shock at the audacity of these men. I don't want to believe he purposely ignored his charge as the protector of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus.
This is what happened.
One week after the Folsom sex fest (and a week after Pelosi decided the sex fest wasn't an insult to Christianity), these two men, billing themselves as "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" (one of the recipients of the proceeds of Folsom and a group dedicated to mocking nuns) received communion at the hands of Archbishop George Niederauer at Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in San Francisco. They were dressed as you see them in the picture at the top of this article.
According to WorldNet Daily:
AFTAH chief Peter LaBarbera explained that the "Sisters" are men who dress up in outlandish outfits and white make-up to mock Catholic nuns. They adopt sexualized names including "Sister Porn Again" and their motto is "Go forth and sin some more."
LaBarbera reported at this year's event one, "novice" was "Sister Bambi Dextrous" who wore a T-shirt with the slogan "Bottom for Jesus" referring to the act of homosexual sodomy.
The church, Most Holy Redeemer, already had a history of pushing homosexual activism in violation of Roman Catholic Church teachings, including granting permission to the "Sisters" to hold "Revival Bingo" games there where porn DVDs and sex toys were used as prizes.
So the church itself has a history of accommodating this particular group of militants. Do they accommodate them out of a sense of gay activism or do they accommodate the militants out of a sense of inclusion, misguided as that sense may be? According to the history of this particular church, it appears to be pushing the homosexual agenda. Not a good thing.
The teachings of the Church as an institution are: people should live [sexually] according to their station in life--if they are single, chastity is considered proper. If they are married, then concourse with their spouse and only their spouse. The teachings go further regarding homosexuality--simply stating to live chaste according to their station in life, as homosexual marriage is forbidden as an abomination to God and not in the nature God intended. It should be noted a single gay person is not discriminated against, merely exhorted to live as any other single Catholic--chaste.
When people had common sense and weren't offended by the least little thing, the Church's stand on the homosexual lifestyle didn't have to be spelled out so succinctly. Now it does. and, while the stand is no different than any other single Catholic, militant gays have gone out of their way to ridicule and besmirch anything holy in Christianity and Catholicism.How does all this tie in with Pelosi? Pelosi is Catholic--at least a lip service Catholic. She advocates killing babies through abortion and feels sex fests such as Folsom don't demean Christianity. She expects to continue to receive Communion, even though she is in full knowledge of Church teachings. Because this is her home district of San Francisco, she turns a blind eye to the denigration of a good portion of her constituency, preferring to pander to the fringe elements.
Those fringe elements are, of course, the militant gays, Code Pink, the Cindy Sheehan's, the baby killers and anyone who ridicules Christianity. She panders to terrorism and heads of terrorist states. She wastes taxpayer time and money on ridiculous investigations and non-binding resolutions pandering to her fringe base (and has gotten NOTHING of merit accomplished).
Yet she expects credibility. How can she be credible? How can she be taken seriously?
Yes, while the church in question, Most Holy Redeemer, has accomodated the militant agenda in the past, I do believe Archbishop Niederauer was taken completely off guard in this instance. While he is a representative of Christ in this lifetime, he is only human. However, I would expect he would receive some censure from Rome and that is as it should be.
Pelosi, however, should be standing up for the rights of her constituents not to be continually insulted by the fringe elements she panders to. Pelosi is simply a lip service Catholic, like Kerry and Kennedy. The Church really needs to learn these three, while public figures, have no intention of practicing their faith or living according to the moral principles set forth therein. These three really need to quit calling themselves Catholic and admit they have no moral principles--leave the Church voluntarily since it's obvious the Church would rather redeem those who choose not to be redeemed rather than excommunicate them
The mayor of San Francisco needs to stand for the rights of his Christian community as well. Unfortunately, the fringe rules in San Fran and none of the politicians have the balls to stand up and say, enough is enough.
Well, I do--enough is enough. Condemn the actions of these "sisters", condemn the sex fests, condemn the actions of the few that are impacting the many. And for those Christians in San Fran, stand up and take a stand. Grow some spines and quit being ashamed of your beliefs. Screw political correctness-it's YOUR rights as Christians being trampled upon.
Read the whole WorldNet Daily article and follow the links therein.
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