Hate Crime Blamed on Young America's Foundation; Actually Committed by Muslim Student Association
Isn't that a lovely flyer?
It's disgusting. What makes it more disgusting is hundreds of these flyers were posted around the George Washington University campus.
What puts this poster in the troglodyte basement is down towards the bottom, where it says:
"For more information, contact the GWU Young America's Foundation" and "Brought to you by Students for Conservativo-Fascism Awareness" (an unregistered and fictitious student organization).
Here's the problem. It wasn't designed, produced, distributed or in any way connected with the GWU Young America's Foundation.
It was a hoax [they claim satire] perpetrated by the Saudi-funded radical islamic front group Muslim Student Association.
It was designed to perpetrate a media circus of condemnation for conservatives and when the criminals were caught, or admitted to their crime, they plead "satire". It is in fact libel. It is media manipulation--and I didn't see it covered on any MSM outlets today in my area. The criminals were lucky there wasn't a mass riot on campus based on these posters, as any time there's any inkling of anti-islam feelings anywhere there is an obligatory riot and screechings of "hate crime".
And we all know the only protected values these days are islamic ideals over and above the Judeo-Christian values this country was founded upon. There are no concessions made to any group other than islamics, from special kitchens and foods, footbaths and prayer times in schools to Congress voting to commend Ramadan.
So these criminals felt safe. They, however, don't seem to "get it" that REAL Americans in general and conservatives in particular are fed up with this crap and are fighting back.
That's when they decided to "fess up to their "satire" [hoax designed to incite hatred and a riot]. Those they had falsely accused spoke up and fought back.
Freedom of Speech is a beautiful thing. However, that freedom comes with responsibilities and part of those responsibilities include not purposely slandering/libeling someone else.
So who are the criminals? Stop the ACLU has this quote:
The students - Adam Kokesh, freshman Yong Kwon, senior Brian Tierny, freshman Ned Goodwin, Maxine Nwigwe, Lara Masri and Amal Rammah - said their motives were misinterpreted. Students for Conservativo-Facism Awareness hung the posters in opposition to Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, an event being held beginning Oct. 22.
Little Green Footballs has much more here and Hot Air has quite a bit here; head on over and read more.
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