Folsom Street Fair, Miller Brewing, Nancy Pelosi: Purposeful Denigration of Christians

Isn't this a nice picture? Look in the bottom left corner. See the sponsor there? That's right, it's Miller Brewing Company. Do you happen to be Christian? Do you happen to partake of Miller's products? Do you like your beliefs being mocked in such a fashion? Or do you give a damn?
I personally don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms. I DO care when their private proclivities spill out into a public forum and their perversions and agendas are put on display for the world to see.
It's easy to mock Christians and those with Judeo-Christian values.
Because Christians and those with Judeo-Christian values aren't going to pay a visit to you and slice your head off because they don't like what you say. No--we do things peacefully. Things like boycott. Raise a loud voice in protest. Bring such outrages out of the darkness and expose them for the filth they are. I don't see anyone making a mockery out of islam, do you?
Why do you suppose that is? Because the freakin' islamists get offended from CARTOONS--so these idiots go after the safe shock.
Now, if you lived in San Francisco and you knew this was the weekend this obscenity was going on, what would you do? Would you stay home with the family, maybe rent a few movies and just avoid it? Or would you have to go be titillated by the perversions?
Believe it or not, some people think it's okay to take their children to this thing.

Laura Ingraham has a word for this kind of child abuse. It's called "pornification". This child is being pornified to "accept" what she's seeing as "normal" behavior amongst adults. And yes, it is indeed child abuse. There are many different forms of abuse and this particular form is insidious. Parents expose their children to this under the "guise" of being "open" with their children. Well, frankly, children don't need this exposure. I don't care how "open" parents want to be with their children, this isn't open--it's abuse.
So where does San Fran Nan come into this?
She was asked point blank about the issue. According to this article by
At her Friday morning press conference, Pelosi was asked about the ad."It's a Constitutional question. It's a religious question. It's about as global a question as you could ask," the House leader said. "I'm a big believer in the First Amendment. I do not believe Christianity has been harmed by the Folsom Street Fair.Huh. Imagine that.
A poster that mocks DaVinci's Last Supper, replacing the Bread and Wine with sex toys and replaces Jesus and His Disciples with half-naked, leather and bondage clad denizens. A group that villifies Biblical values--BECAUSE THE BIBLE EXPLICITLY CONDEMNS THEIR CHOSEN LIFESTYLE--misses NO chance to attack and mock Biblical values.
But Pelosi doesn't think Christianity has been harmed. THIS is what we have as our SOH, ladies and gentlemen. A bitch who thinks nothing of killing babies on demand with her abortion stance. A bitch who doesn't hesistate to use children to further her political aims. A bitch who claims to be a Christian yet refuses to take a stand for her belief. A bitch who also stands with Code Pink and their ideas that murdering troops is fine. A bitch who wants every single bit of your disposable income to facilitate her grandiose tax plans and socialization of this country. A bitch who espouses child abuse between abortion and allowing this deviancy to admit children.
By now, you may be asking why I keep harping on the children issue at this exploitive, deviant affair. Because of this little tidbit found here at
The Folsom Street Fair Web site says young people are welcome: "While we don't have any age restrictions at the gates we do inform attendees of the adult oriented nature of our events." The fair organizers say beer and liquor age restrictions are strictly enforced.Now. Who foots the bill for this? The California taxpayers. Yep, every single one of them AND every person who visits California and stays in a hotel. So, even if you live a normal life and don't want anything to do with this event, if you're a California resident and/or a California visitor, you pay for it. Taking the kids to DisneyLand (another supporter of the GLBT lifestyle with their "gay days") and you stay in a hotel, you pay for it. SeaWorld? You pay for it. Those taxes go to pay for the police and security and for blocking off several blocks of San Francisco so the event can occur.
Again, from
Concerned Women for America called it "shocking and offensive" that California taxpayers are forced to foot part of the bill for the Folsom Street Fair. The City of San Francisco sanctions the event by shutting down several city blocks and providing police for security.And, from News:
A police lieutenant confirmed officers are on the clock during the event, not paid for by the organizers.
The Folsom Street Fair website also lists San Francisco's environment department and its Grants for the Arts –which comes out of the hotel tax fund – as sponsors.
More hypocrisy from the left: Senator Larry Craig (a Republican) has been hung by his toenails for his alleged gay actions in a Minnesota airport. Of course, the loudest screamers are the Democrats. Senator Mark Foley faced the same villification. I'm NOT condoning Craig's or Foley's actions--not by a long shot. However, when it comes to something far worse in their own districts, Democrats praise it. Why do you suppose that is? BECAUSE THEY'RE NOTHING BUT HYPOCRITES, THAT'S WHY. In the same WorldNetDaily and CNSNEWS articles referenced above, you find this:
"Senator Larry Craig was arrested and driven out of the Senate for allegedly soliciting public 'gay' sex, yet during this event the city of San Francisco suspends the law and allows 'gay' men and women to parade the streets fully nude, many having sex - even group orgies - in broad daylight, while taxpayer funded police officers look on and do absolutely nothing."
And this:
The group [Concerned Women of America] wants California's elected officials – including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer – to "publicly condemn this unprovoked attack against Christ and His followers.We see how Pelosi publicly condemned this unprovoked attack and this blatantly homosexual festival.
Personally, I don't drink beer. However, if I did, Miller and it's products would no longer be part of my shopping list. They were asked by Concerned Women of America, the Catholic League and a surprising voice, Stephen Bennett, to pull their sponsorship. Why do I say Stephen Bennett is a surprising voice? Because of this quote from the article at the Concerned Women of America site:
Stephen Bennett, a former homosexual who runs a ministry for those struggling to overcome same-sex attraction disorder, challenged mainstream gay groups to condemn the vile anti-Christian display. "I call upon the homosexual Human Rights Campaign, GLAAD, GLSEN, and the Gay and Lesbian Task Force to publicly condemn this blatant mockery of Christians and Christianity by some within their community, and condemn this sick public display of immoral behavior," he said. [Emphasis mine]More from the article:
"Furthermore, Miller has a record of acceding to requests from various segments of the population that have objected to certain ads: it has bowed to the wishes of Muslims, African-American clergy, lawyers and feminists by pulling ads deemed offensive. Surely it will do the same in this instance: the ad, like the event, is morally depraved. Indeed, it is the kind of ad that only the enemies of Christians would entertain." [Emphasis mine]But it didn't pull the ad. It continued its sponsorship. Just like Pelosi condoned it. And just like the California politicians DID NOT condemn it.
The hypocrisy of the left is blatantly obvious. The appeasement mentality is blatantly obvious. You're only valuable to the politicians if you are a fringe group insulting Christians.
It's time to stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Go read the articles.
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