Call To Action...Support The Troops...Censure CONgress
In a previous post entitled Axis of Defeatists, I pointed out the sillyness of the Cut and Run rhetoric and others have pointed out that "redeployment" is a military term which means NOT what the current milquetoast CONgress Critters are implying it means. If you don't know what the term means, don't make up a meaning to suit your uneducated stupidity. Go look it up.
The Lame Stream Media has been outed upon several "events" and I am going to surmise one here and now. We Conservatives, especially the Reagan Era Conservatives, know for a FACT that there is Leftist Propaganda Machinations throughout the Lame Stream Media, in print and broadcast. It has been proven. Deny it all you want to...the facts remain.
In recent days, GWB and scads of CONgress Critters tried to get the Shamnesty Bill through and crammed down the Nation's throat. Democrat, Independent and Republican alike said, "Hell NO!". GWB and many CONgress Critters (D, R & I) and far-left Moonbat Brigades were upset with "us". The Media was having a Hay Day with it because it was PLAINLY obvious that the Executive and the Legislative branches were NOT listening to "us" and we were NOT buying into the crappola and all they could do was blame Bush. It was an opportunity to "show the world" how lame GWB was. Several Democrats even said as much. "We The People" were heard because the lame Stream Media saw a way to PROVE their "points" as dictated by their string pullers in the Camp of The Leftinistra.
Now, here we are, facing another "stab the troop in the back" episode with the lamest CONgress in the Nation's history, with an approval rating HALF of the approval rating of GWB, and we are to "believe" that the majority of Americans are WITH the lowest approved of CONgress in history. Does that seem even remotely feasible? The Lame Stream Media is using this as another opportunity to "show the world" that GWB is lame. And he is not. I may not agree with GWB ALL the time but he IS correct (mostly) on the GWOT. We fight them there so we don't fight them here. The problem with that has been amply discussed in other posts, namely, the ROE. Why aren't the majority being heard this time around?
This brings up an issue that the LAMEST CONgress in history will NOT address and it is way past time to continue to let them slide on it. This Nation is at war. PERIOD. The laws apply.
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The Lame Stream Media has been outed upon several "events" and I am going to surmise one here and now. We Conservatives, especially the Reagan Era Conservatives, know for a FACT that there is Leftist Propaganda Machinations throughout the Lame Stream Media, in print and broadcast. It has been proven. Deny it all you want to...the facts remain.
In recent days, GWB and scads of CONgress Critters tried to get the Shamnesty Bill through and crammed down the Nation's throat. Democrat, Independent and Republican alike said, "Hell NO!". GWB and many CONgress Critters (D, R & I) and far-left Moonbat Brigades were upset with "us". The Media was having a Hay Day with it because it was PLAINLY obvious that the Executive and the Legislative branches were NOT listening to "us" and we were NOT buying into the crappola and all they could do was blame Bush. It was an opportunity to "show the world" how lame GWB was. Several Democrats even said as much. "We The People" were heard because the lame Stream Media saw a way to PROVE their "points" as dictated by their string pullers in the Camp of The Leftinistra.
Now, here we are, facing another "stab the troop in the back" episode with the lamest CONgress in the Nation's history, with an approval rating HALF of the approval rating of GWB, and we are to "believe" that the majority of Americans are WITH the lowest approved of CONgress in history. Does that seem even remotely feasible? The Lame Stream Media is using this as another opportunity to "show the world" that GWB is lame. And he is not. I may not agree with GWB ALL the time but he IS correct (mostly) on the GWOT. We fight them there so we don't fight them here. The problem with that has been amply discussed in other posts, namely, the ROE. Why aren't the majority being heard this time around?
This brings up an issue that the LAMEST CONgress in history will NOT address and it is way past time to continue to let them slide on it. This Nation is at war. PERIOD. The laws apply.