Gabrielle Gifford's Response re: Defeatism
April 3, 2007
Dear Certified (This was the third letter and she couldn't even get my name right!),
Thank you for contacting me about President Bush's escalation of troops in Iraq . I have grave doubts about whether this latest plan can succeed. Another Pelosi/Reid lapdog--she's a freshman and follows her leash training well!
Serving on the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees, I have been participating in many hours of hearings with Administration officials and policy experts. At briefings with top-level military leaders, I have been asking tough questions. These experiences have made me more confident than ever that the global war on terror and the situation in Iraq are more complicated than President Bush seems to recognize. Actually, they're a lot more complicated than YOU seem to realize and Gen. Petraeus told you exactly what was needed. I'd say he was pretty high ranking!
Common sense dictates that in order for any plan to succeed, it must require the Iraqi government to calm the sectarian violence and unify behind a workable political structure. Without the serious involvement and motivation of Iraqi political and religious leaders, the President's proposal to send more American troops into harm's way amounts to having 21,000 more soldiers stay the course. This I cannot support. I'd be willing to bet you support your "feminist rights" along with the gays and abortion mills--guess what, those won't exist anymore if you have your way!
The President should consider the views of the many active and retired military generals, and the recommendations of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group such as: He has--that's why he's the President and you're NOT!
-- Keeping rapid reaction and special operations forces in the region to strike Al Qaeda militias and train the Iraqi army to take over combat operations; And what do you think they're doing--sitting on their thumbs playing poker while "escorting" you and the other defeatists around when they could be accomplishing something more productive?
-- Setting performance benchmarks for the Iraqi government to create an oil revenue sharing program, reform of the de-Bathification laws and develop processes to amend its constitution and hold provincial elections; Real life doesn't follow utopian timetables
-- Starting a direct dialogue with Syria and Iran over Iraq and the Middle East ; WHAT??? ARE YOU NUTS??? and
-- Providing economic assistance to Iraq that will help create jobs, strengthen infrastructure and improve the Iraqis' capacity to be independent and stable. Again, we're already doing that--or was it not in your talking points?
I strongly support our men and women in uniform who are risking their lives to protect and defend our nation. Our armed forces must have the tools, training and support they need to be successful in any mission. I have serious concerns that our Army, along with Guard and Reserve forces, is being stretched too thin. As the traitor you are, this is a lie, particularly since you supported the pork laden troop funding--funding that should have gone for the troops and veterans EXCLUSIVELY. You don't support anyone but the almighty dollar.
Instead of sending 21,000 more soldiers to Iraq as part of his same failed strategy, the President should focus on the global war on terrorism and deploy our troops in a more targeted fashion. And I believe that we need to work more effectively with other countries in order to face challenges and threats to our global economy and security. This dire situation in Iraq will remain a primary focus in my committees; I will continue to be actively engaged in trying to find solutions. The solution is the one that's working, the one the President and Gen. Petraeus presented to you and you refuse to acknowledge because it would mean we are winning--you can't accept that and prefer defeat.
Thank you for sharing your concerns with me. It is an honor to serve and represent you. Please visit my website at to sign up for e-mail updates and for more information about issues affecting Southern Arizona and our country. I didn't vote for you in '06 and I will never vote for you. I keep track of your voting record and will endeavor to keep that voting record in the public's view so they know that you, who ran as a Blue Dog Democrat, are truly nothing more than a Yellow Dog. This will be accomplished through blogs such as mine and the Victory Caucus (
Gabrielle Giffords
Member of Congress
Again, more of the Democratic Defeat our troops and our nation are struggling against. Don't it make you proud? NOT!!! Sphere: Related Content